This capitulation was at least better than surrendering to the firemen for rescue, as we could return home- if we survived- covertly manage our maladies from the ordeal, and equip ourselves for another attempt as conditions improved. I don’t remember much from the trip back. Humiliation, the...
stability studies were performed on common filter paper and fiber glass stripes (Table2). Curry et al. (2014b) showed good long-term antibodies stability (up to 2 years at ambient conditions) in reindeer and caribou DBS collected on Nobuto filter paper stripes in the field. Interestingly, bet...
8 Rev. 2.0 AN607 3.4. PCB Layout The Si70xx should be thermally isolated from the equipment connected to it to prevent heat from the equipment from affecting RH. The Si70xx should be thermally immersed in the ambient environment it is intended to sense. One strategy for accomplishing this ...