TechLagoon 概要 WEBサービス 日本語 TechLagoonでは、WEBサービスを中心にアプリケーションを公開しています概要 TechLagoon(テックラグーン)では、WEBサービスを中心にアプリケーションを開発・運営しています。公開中のWEBサービスはどれも無料で使用することができ、会員登録も不要です。お...
GrazingMicrozooplanlctonPositive24 microzooplankton grazing experiments were conducted in a subtropical estuary.Positive slopes were observed in the majority of dilution experiments.Evidence suggested that trophic cascades caused an assumption violation.More studies of trophic dynamics in estuarine plankton ...
Ground freezing to sink a mine ventillation shaft in a lagoon: Frost, R J BHP Tech Bull, V25, N2, Nov 1981, P60–62doi:10.1016/0148-9062(82)91087-7SDOSInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts...
Learning from the lagoon: research in development in Solomon Islands. CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems, Penang, Malaysia.van der Ploeg, J., Albert, J., Apgar, M., Bennett, G., Boso, D., Cohen, P, Daokalia C, Faiau J, Harohau D, Iramo E & Orirana, G. (...
Ground freezing to sink a mine ventillation shaft in a lagoon : Frost, R J BHP Tech Bull, V25, N2, Nov 1981, P60–62doi:10.1016/0148-9062(82)90941-XSDOSInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts...
ANN Predictive Water Temperature Modeling of Cold Water Events in a Shallow LagoonANN Predictive Water Temperature Modeling of Cold Water Events in a Shallow Lagoon ( ANNUALai)
A quantitative approach to thegeosynthetic reinforcement selection, based on geosynthetic properties, loading conditions and soil strength, has been developed and is shown below.Propex Operating CompanyLLC •Suite
Comparison of Methods to Infer Gas Fluxes off a LagoonComparison of Methods to Infer Gas Fluxes off a Lagoon ( AugDavisagforest)
Mercury Exposure in Riverbank Communities of the Alvarado Lagoon System, Veracruz State, MexicoJane L. Guentzel