How can I make my manager understand that performance should not be measured by how many tickets we have resolved? If the ticket is an easy one then sure 1-2 days is enough, but for some complicated shit or dealing with models that I have never touched before, I am gonna need several...
Cheap beer and lousy pizza (with a New Orleans twist)We are bringing back GeekFest! Join us at Pat O’Brien’s for a night of gumbo, beer and hurricanes. There are limited invitations available, so what are you waiting for? If you are attending the TechEd 2010 conference and you are...
Thefirst hard thingabout our mission was the fact that we had aridiculously ambitious productvision without a lot of capital. I was in Silicon Valley on and off in the late 2000’s when Eric Ries popularized the idea of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), but we knew that to deliver what...
review 50 new technologies, learn about countless alternate paths to market, meet 8 award-winning startups, leverage many pre-arranged 1-on-1 meetings…all in 2 days, in an environment built to optimize networking. Tickets:http://telecomcouncil...
Dylan Theut faced three batters, got to full counts with each of them, and walked two while striking out one. Coach Deggs went to David Christie to face the top of the lineup, but he walked the only batter he faced to load the bases....
In addition, mobile banking apps are relatively cheap to be developed and modified according to the expectations and needs of the innovation users. Thus, the BLIK standard is very flexible and is able to evolve quickly by adding new solutions and options. Among the success factors, openness, ...