Description A collection of random tech parts.
Yeah, sure 6GB of ram is great for IT work, especially when using hot steaming piles of trashjuice software! I have to manually close these windows regularly throughout the day or the system just shits the bed and halts. RMM tool: Continuum This fucker takes the goddamn soggy waffle ...
Nvidia doesnt have enough productiona s is, I think the only way this could help would be if these mining GPUs are trash dies that would otherwise never be used in anything. That could be the case, and if the defect rate is as...
Shop Tips Here's a nice big assorted but unsorted assembly of handy everyday shop & home tricks, tips and ideas. They're items I've collected over the years, and they range from "conventional wisdom" to suggestions from FRETS.COM readers, to goofy techniques I've invented for myself....