成立百年后的2011年,IBM向教育行业进发,创建出新的P-TECH教育模式。P-TECH的第一个学校New York City P-TECH Grades 9-14 schools位于美国纽约布鲁克林,2011年开始招生,首批学生大多已于2017年毕业。 在P-TECH成立后不久,时任总统的奥巴马专门拨出1亿美...
P-TECH模式是由美国商业、科技巨头IBM联合美国纽约市的教育管理部门(New York City Department of Education)、纽约城市大学(City University of New York)在美国高中阶段所做的4+2学制创新,即学生用4~6年时间拿到高中文凭、副学士学位,以及获得工作机会,...
New York City It's a big city, so, sure, it has a lot of tech jobs compared with other cities. But according to data from Wanted Analytics, New York ranks well above the national average in terms of its ratio of job postings to employment in multiple tech occupations. Next:Phoenix,...
The New York University Tandon School of Engineering, is the second oldest private engineering and technology school in the United States. The school dates back to 1854 when its predecessor institutions, the University of the City of New York School of Civil Engineering and Architecture and the ...
A-Tech High School is 1 of 533 high schools in the New York City Public Schools. A-Tech High School 2024 Rankings A-Tech High School is ranked #13,242-17,655 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation an...
New Explorations Into Science, Tech and Math High School is 1 of 533 high schools in the New York City Public Schools. New Explorations Into Science, Tech and Math High School 2024 Rankings New Explorations Into Science, Tech and Math High Sc...
New York City is the No. 2 recipient of venture capital funding for technology startups, after surpassing Boston last year, Bloomberg said. The billionaire mayor, who was himself an engineering student and later an entrepreneur, said Silicon Valley's dominance is due in part to schools like ...
Universities are often some of the first places to adopt new technological advancements, and access to the latest technology can enhance the college experience for students. While schools with a reputation for strong science, technology, engineering and mathematics, known collectively as STEM, programs...
(NYC) was recognized by President Obama in his January State of the Union address for its focus on preparing students for jobs in high-technology fields. It is an innovative educational public-private partnership between New York Public Schools and City University of New York and IBM. P-TECH ...
Byline: By DAYLE CRUTCHLOW dayle.crutchlow@mrn.co.ukCoventry Evening Telegraph (England)