it was only a matter of time before medical alert systems became more personalized. Now, instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, you can choose a system tailored to your specific needs. For example, some systems now come with fall detection, which can be a lifesaver for seniors at risk...
League can help you get the health services that work best for you. Category: App of the Week Tags: Affordable Care Act, african american, bay area tech, black, employees, employers, health, Health Care, insurance allowance, League, medical insurance, obamacare Featured Article Celebrity Cyb...
Make sure to ask your seniors if it’s okay to send a fax using gmail though, just in case to be safe. Asking Questions Most new employees are shy, and it can be understood since you’re diving into a new environment and you don’t know anyone. Working is a whole different ...
Falls are the leading cause of injury for seniors, so it’s crucial to take steps to prevent them from happening. This blog post will discuss some of the best fall detection devices on the market today. We’ll also give you a few tips on choosing the right one for you! Sentry In-Hom...
Seminar 4: Smarthome Features for a Better, Safer Life Seminar 5: Technology to Help Avoid Medication Adherence Problems Smart Home, Artificial Intelligence, Robots Smart Home for Seniors Smart Bathroom Features for Older Adults Smart Bedroom Features Smart Kitchen features for Older Adults Smart Livin...
Seniors rant salary job hunt 15 17 oldpepper12 50 6y Every language ever: "You can't compare objects of type A and B" Swift, on the other hand: "main.swift:365:34: note: overloads for '==' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (Any.Type?, Any.Type?), (()...
When it comes to looking for eyeglasses, there are several factors that you have to consider. Let’s talk about them here. Your Face Shape Determine the shape of your face — is it round? Oval? Square? Heart-shaped? The shape of your face will help you know which frame will look bes...
After seeing many seniors struggle for years as they got older, I wanted my own story to end differently. Although I’m no smoker, I lacked three other factors. My weight was incredibly unhealthy, I was completely sedentary, and my diet was terrible. I do drink moderately, however (nearly...
Personally, I’m going to try to post some of those for where I live and work. So how can you help with this effort? It’s easy! We encourage people to post their setups/working remotely pics and we will start featuring them on the Instagram account and hopefully elsewhere in the ...
Welcome to is created for those who are not familiar with modern technical jargons. Our posts are meant to help those born before the internet was created, i.e., the 1950s. Of course, whoever finds this site useful is welcome to join us. Feel free ...