目前需要测试如下几个情况: 1.弯蛇是否可以提升tears up的效果 看来并没有 +1 分享47赞 以撒的结合吧 Cheshire_B 【严重剧透】以撒剧情分析 搬运+楼主自汉化在STEAM的社区上看到的个人感觉写的非常棒的以撒剧情分析,原文全英文,由steam ID为the fury的玩家在2013年10月16日发布的。 我估计应该没有人搬运过,...
以撒的绑定(The Binding of Isaac)/杂项(Miscellaneous)/声音效果(Sound Effects) 284首 306_鸟死亡0(306_bird_death0) 以撒的绑定(The Binding of Isaac)/杂项(Miscellaneous)/声音效果(Sound Effects) 284首 185_关键的拾取挑战(185_KeyPickup_Gauntlet) ...
G Fuel and The Binding Of Isaac have collaborated for a flavor appropriately titled Isaac’s Tears, named after the lead character of the video game. As you may or may not have gathered from “Isaac’s Tears”, the taste of the product is a refreshing fruity combination of white grape an...
Some of you may know me from my work on Astalon: Tears of the Earth, Castle In The Darkness and The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth. LOVISH Announcement - by LABS & Matt Kapp2024年10月18日周五 游戏折扣 Heads up everyone! Astalon and other great games in DANGEN Entertainment's catalogue are ...
Heads up everyone! Astalon and other great games in DANGEN Entertainment's catalogue are currently on sale with their deepest discounts ever! Astalon discounted in DANGEN Entertainment Publisher Sale! 2024年9月10日周二 评测 “Astalon: Tears of the Earth is an unexpected masterpiece of retro designs...
名称:Astalon: Tears of the Earth - Super Arrange Version 开发商:LABS Works 发行商:DANGEN Entertainment 系列:DANGEN Entertainment 发行日期:2021 年 6 月 3 日 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查找社区组 嵌入 可下载原声音轨 这是Astalon: Tears of the Earth的额外内容,但不包含基础游戏。