I literally sat around in awe for weeks after the tour, unable to move thinking back to every moment and wondering if it was all a dream. Now, here we are nearly two months after the Bowl show and I’m still on cloud 9 wondering if it’s even possible to come down from any of t...
OK, lets go back to the late 80’s. Its a Wednesday night in mid-winter, it might be a false memory, but basically in my mind it was cold and rainy. I’m working at an Italian restaurant, on the high-street in the area where we lived, I’m 19, and I’m doing it for some...
Tears slid down Ken's cheeks. Their newbom baby was removed from life supprt, taken back to her and her , Charlie. who held their baby. Austin was bom at 12:17 p.m. three months than he should have been. The length of a school ruler. he weighed one pou
Because I never found any source of money in the first 20-30 hours of play so all I could afford was cold armor (500) and cold headgear (750). Pants cost (1000). Later I needed flame guard armor and had to use all my money to buy just the top. I didn't have enough money to...
I tried to tune out + sleep in that cold smokey bunk house with a pig living under it. Next morning i woke up + went out + did various odd jobs. Helping herd the cows out then hacking thistles up in the bush paddock. Welcome to organic farming. The true martyrs of the world. Hack...
"At night, there was the feeling that we had come home, feeling no longer alone, waking in the night to find the other one there, and not gone away; all other things were unreal. We slept when we were tired and if we woke the other one woke too so one was not alone. Often a ...
And why did the family listen to the crazy lady's advice to take grandpa through a final tour of the house? I'm also afraid the writers will not be able to conclude this satisfyingly. How will we get a happily ever after in 4 episodes at this rate? Shouldn't we be tying loose end...
However, we’re wondering why this was created when the band already has an EWTRTW video. Perhaps we missed a memo. Either way, it’s awesome and we love it. Nice to see all the concert footage again. The Mystery Box of Merch (now sold out?) Just as the year closed, the band’...
In contrast to the cold and gloomy atmosphere at Queensville, there’s so much warmth and vibrancy in the Baek family house — and I’m not just talking about the difference in color palettes between both locations. Hyun-woo is in the most relaxed state we’ve seen him in, and with ...