Definition: Meaning of, tear duct in English to English dictionary.Pronunciation: / ˈtɪədʌkt / noun synonym antonym Word Forms: Singular Plural tear duct tear ducts any of several small ducts that carry tears from the lacrimal glands SYNONYM ANTONYM ...
It is known to be a lachrymatory agent, meaning it can cause tearing and stinging in the eyes. 3. Identifying the Correct Answer: Based on the analysis, syn-propanethial S-oxide is the compound that triggers tearing when onions are cut. It is released into the air and irritates the ...
Looking forward to play the separation/judaai (hindi word meaning the same thing) of the yet to be lovebirds. I'm sure other people would have more better and more elegant solutions to share. Till l8er. Member Bertram25 commented Jan 1, 2013 Hi, This is how I see it, while I'm ...