在这个句子中,“the wall”就是“tear down”的宾语。 此外,“tear down”还可以与其他词语或短语搭配使用,以表达更丰富的含义。比如,“tear down to the ground”表示彻底拆除,不留痕迹;“tear down and rebuild”则表示先拆除后重建的过程。 综上所述,“tear down”的中文翻译...
Years later, we decided to tear down our ugly house and build a beautiful one with a garden. 几年后,我们决定拆掉这个难看的房子,建一座带花园的漂亮房子。 Shake up the quintessential powder in the bag, tear down the smaller paster of the ventilate adhesive plaster, and then attach the bag...
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Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook shed a tear Wikipedia To cry or weep, especially from grief; to grieve or mourn in general.Everyone in the room was shedding tears by the end of the ceremony.Their relationship had soured so much over the years that John didn't shed a tear when...
22、Years later, we decided totear downour ugly house and build a beautiful one with a garden.(几年后,我们决定拆掉这个难看的房子,建一座带花园的漂亮房子。) 23、They tried totear downthe reputation of the novelist.(他们试图诋毁小说家的名声。)...
Once upon a time, a Japanese man wanted to rebuild his house. First he had to tear the walls open .Japanese houses 36 have hollowspaces between the wooden walls. As he was 37 them down, he found a lizard 38 there because a nailfrom the outside had been h
What are the literary devices used in Tear It Down? "Tear It Down" uses a number of literary devices to convey its meaning and tone. Some of these devices include: Metaphor: The house is a metaphor for the past and the need for transformation. ...
词条tear down在英语 » 德语中的译文 (跳至德语 » 英语) tear down动词trans 显示动词变位表 1. tear down(destroy): toteardown⇆sthbuilding,wall etwabreißen[o.einreißen] myfencewastorndowninthestorm meinZaunwurdevomSturmumgerissen ...
14.Once upon a time,a Japanese man wanted to rebuild his house.First he had to tear the walls open.Japanese houses(36)Bhave empty spaces between the wooden walls.As he was tearing them down,he found a lizard(蜥蜴(37)Dthere because a nail(钉子) from the outside had been(38)Cinto on...
After assessing the damage, the owners have a choice —either tear down the house or save it. Po zhodnotení situácie sa majitelia poškodeného domu musia rozhodnúť, či ho zbúrajú, alebo opravia. jw2019 They rebuild what they tear down. Obnovili, čo zničili. ...