Enter your phone number and selectCall meto receive a call from Teams that will connect you to your meeting. Your audio will come from your phone, but other content sharing will still take place on your desktop. Related topics My speaker isn't working in Teams ...
UnderRemote audio playback, selectPlay on this computer. UnderRemote audio recording, selectRecord from this computer. SelectOKto save changes. Use your phone's audio If your mic doesn’t work after trying the solutions above and you see one of the messages below, selectCall me backto use ...
This feature is disabled by default, but can be turned on by the tenant admin. Call blocking Lets users add (PSTN) phone numbers to a blocked list so that the next call from that number is blocked from ringing the user. Common area phones A common area phone is typically placed in an...
UnderRemote audio playback, selectPlay on this computer. UnderRemote audio recording, selectRecord from this computer. SelectOKto save changes. Use your phone's audio If your mic doesn’t work after trying the solutions above and you see one of the messages below,...
} else {write-host "SkypeRoomSystem Version : " $package.Version}; $process = Get-Process -Name "Microsoft.SkypeRoomSystem" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; if ($process -eq $null) {write-host "App not running."} else {$process | format-list StartTime,Responding}} -ComputerName <Device ...
Teams is a great app when you work remotely, as long as it works. If Microsoft Teams is not working on your Mac, we’ll show you how to fix it.
If Teams begins working properly on the desktop, the problem is either related to the user's iPhone or to the mobile app. After ruling out network issues as the source of the problem, the next step is to install the Teams app onto a desktop computer. Assuming that this computer is...
For example, when working on a project, I start a new channel, and everyone knows to go there to find all our documentation. In a previous company, we set up tenants in every country and replaced expensive telephony solutions with phone numbers directly connected to those tenants, reducing ...
Enter your phone number and selectCall meto receive a call from Teams that will connect you to your meeting. Your audio will come from your phone, but other content sharing will still take place on your desktop. Related topics My speaker isn't working in Teams ...
If the microphone is not working on Microsoft Teams, the problem could be settings related. This means you want to make to check the current configuration in the app to resolve the issue. To configure the microphone on Microsoft Teams, use these steps: ...