Start a quick and informal huddle using Meet Now in a group chat. Meet Now in group chat enables ad-hoc calls in real time with your team, providing an alternative to a formal, scheduled meeting. Regardless of your whereabouts, you can start a call as spontaneously as dropping by your co...
已點選 callHistory 專案中的一對一視訊通話。 放置群組視訊通話 - [確認] 對話方塊。 chatStartVideoCallSFB - 已點選一對一視訊通話按鈕。 chatWithMeetingParticipants - 從 [會議詳細資料] 頁面選取 [聊天] 索引標籤。 checkListAddClicked - 已選取檢查清單區段中的工作詳細資料視圖內的 [新增專案]。 checkL...
Host your video conference in a virtual shared space. Choose from environments such as café, resort, or lounge and see everyone in the same place with Together mode. Learn more about together mode Invite anyone, anytime, anywhere Start a video call and invite anyone to join, even if th...
从callHistory 项点击的 1:1 视频呼叫。 发出组视频呼叫 - 确认对话框。 chatStartVideoCallSFB - 点击的 1:1 视频通话按钮。 chatWithMeetingParticipants - 从“会议详细信息”页中选择“聊天”选项卡。 checkListAddClicked - 在清单的任务详细信息视图部分中选中了“添加项目”。 checkListItemAdded - 已为任务...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:MicrosoftTeams"},"parent":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:1503342"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:1503342"},"subject":"Re: TEAMS video freezing at the start of video call","moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_da...
Select Video call or Audio call to start a call. Up to 20 people can be on the same video call. Note: If a group chat includes more than 20 people, calling buttons will be disabled. If you're not currently in a chat with the person you want to call, you c...
chatStartVideoCall - 以下の場合にトリガーされます。 [1:1のビデオ通話] ボタンをタップする。 検索結果の [ビデオ] ボタンをタップする。 [callHistory] の項目で [1:1のビデオ通話] をタップする。 グループ ビデオ通話の発信 - 確認ダイアログ。 chatStartVideoCallSFB- 1:1 [1:1...
Collaborate on a call. Teams lets you make audio or video calls directly from a chat. Go to your chat list, then selectNew chat to start a new conversation. Type the name or names into theTofield at the top of your new chat.
When the call connects, your application will be sending a video stream to the other participant. */ startCallButton.onclick = async () => { try { const localVideoStream = await createLocalVideoStream(); const videoOptions = localVideoStream ? { ...
Take your online meetings to the next level. Microsoft Teams allows you to easily connect with coworkers, family, and friends on the device of your choice.