屏幕共享是你使用应用来允许其他人查看你的设备屏幕上的内容,无论你是在使用手机、平板电脑还是计算机。一些应用会在屏幕上显示所有内容,而另一些应用让你能够灵活地只显示部分内容,例如特定文件或窗口。 成熟的屏幕共享应用还包含增强的生产力功能,例如聊天、会议内标记工具,以及参与者可按自己的节奏切换浏览的幻灯片。
While screen sharing using Microsoft Teams Optimization, peers cannot see the shared screen (and instead will see a black screen).This is a known issue when using Horizon Client for Windows 2206 with Horizon Agent 2111 or 2203, and can be seen in the following scenarios: When the sharer ty...
所有参与者都将在共享屏幕顶部看到 Microsoft Whiteboard 工具集。 会议中的每个人都可以立即开始批注。 选择Whiteboard 工具集中的工具之一(如便笺),然后在屏幕上开始键入或绘图。 提示:只能在屏幕共享时批注,而不能在窗口共享时批注。 与后台内容交互 在为内容添加批注时,如果你是演示者,则可以直接...
设置以下参数:ScreenSharingMode AllowPowerPointSharing AllowWhiteboard AllowCollaborativeAnnotations AllowDocumentCollaboration AllowSharedNotes了解有关使用 csTeamsMeetingPolicy cmdlet 的详细信息。屏幕共享模式此设置是每用户策略。 设置控制用户是否可以在 Teams 会议中共享桌面和窗口。
Is screen sharing safe? What are the advantages of screen sharing? How do I screen share? Why use screen sharing software or a screen share app? How do I know what other people can see during my screen share? Meetings Teams Phone
请与IT 管理员联系,确保为制作者和演示者分配正确的TeamsMeetingPolicy以及正确的 IPVideo和ScreenSharing设置。 如果ScreenSharingMode或IPVIdeo设置为“无”,则制作者和演示者将无法共享其屏幕。 确保媒体流量的网络带宽要求: 需要有关活动的帮助? 借助Microsoft 365 实时事件协助计划 (LEAP) ,我们可以帮助你更熟悉如...
Sharing screens in Teams but can't hear the other persons voice Hi I would like if possible to understand if you can hear a customer talk g to an advisor whilst screen sharing? Whilst you can hear the advisors voice you can't hear the customer or other persons vo...
If your screen sharing is done, and you want to stop sharing your screen, you can click on theStop presentingoption. How to show your screen during a Teams meeting? If you want to show your screen during a Teams meeting, you need to go through the steps mentioned above. In other words...
location_sharing_start -使用者在聊天中共用其即時位置。 location_sharing_stop -使用者在聊天中停止共用其即時位置。 loginFailed - 當使用者無法登入。 loginSuccess - 使用者可以登入。 manageBlockedNumbers - 透過 [設定] 存取已封鎖的號碼。 manualSendMessage - 已手動傳送郵件。 mapAppPicker -當使用者在位...
Hi, Screen sharing on all our office machines got broken after Windows update was forced on the PCs couple days ago. It was all working fine prior to Windows update (KB5007401), Servicing Stack 10.0.19041.1852, (KB5016616). Here's how the…