audioOnlyPoorNetworkBanner - 由於連線狀況不佳,已選取 [關閉影片] 選項。 audioUserDoubleTap - 點兩下音訊參與者。 autoReconnectCallmebackCallDrop - 選取通話結束畫面中的 Callmeback 按鈕的次數。 autoReconnectDialIn 已選取 [重新連線 UFD] 中的 [撥入] 按鈕。 進行重新連線時,選取 [撥入] 按鈕的次數...
SelectCamerato turn on audio-only recording, then selectStart recording. Record for up to one minute or select the squareto stop the recording. Tip:You can pause and restart the recording as needed. SelectReviewto listen to the clip. If desired, selectTrimto trim the c...
Hello, after a Microsoft Teams meeting, we want to download the audio recording only, not the video recording. The video recordings are too large in file size. Your competitor Zoom provides the option... As mentioned it’s not possible but please request this as a uservoice here: https://...
audioOnlyPoorNetworkBanner - 由于连接横幅不良,选择了“关闭视频”选项。 audioUserDoubleTap - 双击音频参与者。 autoReconnectCallmebackCallDrop - 在呼叫结束屏幕上选择 Callmeback 按钮的次数。 autoReconnectDialIn 在重新连接 UFD 上选择“拨入”按钮。 重新连接时选择“拨入”按钮的次数。 autoReconnectDialIn...
In Microsoft Teams, users can record their Teams meetings, webinars, and town halls to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. The recording happens in Microsoft 365 and is saved to OneDrive or SharePoint, which must be enabled for the user....
WARNING: Length of the Compliance Recording Application list should be non zero. Identity : Tag:Comprecpolicy ComplianceRecordingApplications : {} Enabled : True WarnUserOnRemoval : True DisableComplianceRecordingAudioNotificationForCalls : False Description : Teams Compliance Recording ...
Microsoft - there are threads upon threads of people asking for audio only recordings over the last couple years. We have a teams call every...
In Microsoft Teams, your users can record their Teams meetings, webinars, and town halls to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. This type of recording is called convenience recording. The recording happens in Microsoft 365 and is saved to OneDrive or SharePoint, which must be ...
Meeting recording On When On, users can record their Teams meetings and group calls to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. The meeting organizer and recording initiator need to have recording permissions to record the meeting. Require participant agreement for recording and transcriptio...
Meeting recording On When On, users can record their Teams meetings and group calls to capture audio, video, and screen sharing activity. The meeting organizer and recording initiator need to have recording permissions to record the meeting. Require participant agreement for recording and transcriptio...