{ "type":"message", "attachments":[ { "contentType":"application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive", "contentUrl":null, "content":{ "$schema":"http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json", "type":"AdaptiveCard", "version":"1.2", "body":[ { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "For...
{"task": {"type":"continue","value": {"card": {"contentType":"application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive","content": {"body": [ {"type":"TextBlock","text":"Please enter the following information:"}, {"type":"TextBlock","text":"Name"}, {"type":"Input.Text","spacing":"None",...
Hi...As the Subject suggests, is there a possibility to get a arm 32 bit .deb packet built of the linux version of Teams application? Thank you, BR
Oct 10, 2011 Question: I get the error Message "error loading 00xxxxxxxxxx.cfg" and then Phone continues to rebootResolution: Please check => here <=Oct 7, 2011 Question: How can I find out the IP Address of my Phone?Resolution: Please check => here <=...
Teams policies set at the admin portal How the end user accesses Teams (ex: Web client vs desktop) Where the company is at with new features being rolled out from the tenant level To keep up with product releases please refer to the message center in the Teams admin portal and the Micros...
In the To: filed, enter your bot's Microsoft App ID. The app ID must resolve to your bot name. Select your bot and send a message to initiate a conversation. Alternatively, you can paste your bot's app ID in the search box in the top left in Teams. In the search results page, ...
If the message size exceeds 28 KB, the action fails with the error "Request Entity too large". Set guest users as team owners Add a member to a team When you add a member to a team, you can set guest users as team owners. Requires an Exchange Online Mailbox Create a Teams meeting...
The recording will continue until you select Stop recording. Important: Teams meeting recordings are no longer saved to Microsoft Stream. All recordings are now saved to OneDrive for Business. If your organization still uses Stream, please note: After a recording stops, it's processed and ...
The recording will continue until you select Stop recording. Important: Teams meeting recordings are no longer saved to Microsoft Stream. All recordings are now saved to OneDrive for Business. If your organization still uses Stream, please note: After a recording stops, it's processed and ...