使用Windows PowerShell 管理 Microsoft 365 或Office 365的最佳方法 若要使用Microsoft Teams PowerShell设置或更改会议组织者或用户的默认音频会议电话号码,请将ServiceNumberSet-CsOnlineDialInConferencingUsercmdlet 的或TollFreeServiceNumber参数设置为可用号码之一。 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈...
and Call Queues (also called service numbers). Service phone numbers have a higher concurrent calling capacity than user or subscriber phone numbers. For example, a service number can handle hundreds of calls simultaneously, whereas a user's phone number can only handle a few calls simultaneously...
除了为用户获取电话号码外,还可以获取收费或免费电话号码,例如音频会议 (用于会议网桥) 、自动助理和呼叫队列 (也称为服务号码) 。 服务电话号码具有比用户或订阅者电话号码更高的并发呼叫容量。 例如,一个服务号码可以同时处理数百个呼叫,而用户的电话号码只能同时处理几个呼叫。
Number request forms Still need assistance? Additional resources Related topics There are four ways to get user (subscriber) and service (toll and toll-free) phone numbers for Microsoft Calling Plan and services, such as Audio Conferencing, Auto Attendants, and Call Queues: ...
Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg....
Connect with your teams, customers, and partners using Microsoft Teams Phone. Make audio or video calls from one Teams app to another, or use the dial pad to call an external number.
I just got back from long service leave, and the people who covered for me tell me this is still happening. In another twist, I've also started getting random users with Enterprise Voice changed to false.I haven't seen the issue with a phone number disappearing 15 minutes after assignment...
External phone calls: At least oneMicrosoft service number,Operator Connect number,Direct Routing number, or a hybrid number for each resource account that you want to be directly dialable from external phone numbers. The service number can also be a toll or toll-free number. ...
Complete-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder Connect-MicrosoftTeams Disable-CsOnlineSipDomain Disable-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport Disconnect-MicrosoftTeams Enable-CsOnlineSipDomain Export-CsAcquiredPhoneNumber Export-CsAutoAttendantHolidays Export-CsOnlineAudioFile Find-CsGroup Find-CsOnlineApplicationInstance Get-ALL...