Teams 管理中心的音频会议电话拨出使用情况报告概述了音频会议电话拨出服务的使用情况和费用。 作为管理员,此报表允许你分析用户级数据,包括所用的通信额度和使用的拨出分钟数。 此见解可帮助你准确估计未来的通信信用要求。查看音频会议拨出使用情况报告在Microsoft Teams 管理中心中,展开 “分析”& 报告>使用情况报告...
Module Configure and deploy Teams Phone - Training Teams Phone requires some configuration before users can make calls, receive calls, and use all the features. Microsoft Calling plans or Operator Connect for your PSTN must be configured before phone numbers can be assigned to us...
每個音訊會議標準訂閱每個使用者每個月提供 60 分鐘,可用來撥出到 A 區域中任何國家/地區的非進階號碼,如本檔所述。 此權益適用於 音訊會議每月訂閱 授權,且不會延伸至音訊會議每分鐘付費授權。備註 撥出給美國和加拿大訂閱之音訊會議的撥出分鐘數集區大小取決於 指派給 用戶的授權數目。 例如,如果客戶有100個...
功能Teams 電腦版1Teams WebTeams Mobile2商務用 SkypeIP Phone標準通話佇列頻道型通話佇列評論 代理程式路由方法 Attendant 路由YYYYYYY預設 最長閑置3YYYNYYY建議 迴圈YYYYYYY建議 串行YYYYYY4Y4 專員路由選項 目前狀態型路由3YYYNYYY預設 專員可以退出宣告YYYY7,10Y7,10YY預設 ...
Returns information about the dial plans used in your organization. This cmdlet was introduced in Lync Server 2010. Get-CsEffectiveTenantDialPlan Use the Get-CsEffectiveTenantDialPlan cmdlet to retrieve an effective tenant dial plan. Get-CsExportAcquiredPhoneNumberStatus This cmdlet shows the status...
Resolution:Poly VVX Business Media Phone can do this since UC Software 5.9.0A Poly Trio cannot enable or assign Delegates or Boss-Admin and a Lync or Skype for Business Client is required to assign this. Please check the “Using Polycom® VVX® Phones in a Microsoft® Lync™ Environm...
We have an AudioCodes SBC connected to Teams. We have about 10 users on it currently and 5 team room systems.We cannot get DTMF tones to pass when...
Hi,Teams Direct Routing Integration Question. I am trying to figure out how to make Teams call a dialed number vs. an end user that matches to said...
The "AllowPSTNOnlyMeetings" setting of a user defines if unauthenticated callers can start a meeting if they are the first person to join. An unauthenticated caller is defined as a participant who joins a meeting over the phone and doesn't provide the organizer PIN when joining the meeting...
What should I do if my phone endpoint is dropped? You can redial into the meeting. If you are a dial-in user, you will join the main room. Please ask the organizer to assign you to your pervious room and move you. ...