相反,系统会提示他们下载 Teams,他们收到的会议链接将在桌面、移动或 Web 应用中打开 Teams。
嗯。你的浏览器版本不受支持。是否有最快的解决方法? 下载桌面应用。 下载Microsoft Teams 下面是支持的浏览器版本。
如需有關診斷資料 (包括如何控制要傳送到 Microsoft 的診斷資料) 的詳細資訊,請參閱從 Teams 應用程式將診斷資料傳送到 Microsoft。 若要檢視傳送到 Microsoft 的診斷資料,您可以使用診斷資料檢視器。 事件 注意 以下所列的所有事件有共同的屬性,若要檢閱這些屬性,請參閱隨著所有事件傳送的屬性。
Internet Explorer 11 will remain a supported browser. Internet Explorer 11 is a component of the Windows operating system and follows the Lifecycle Policy for the product on which it is installed. DesktopMobile Find Teams on the web at https://teams.microsoft.com. To use Teams, you need a ...
嗯。你的浏览器版本不受支持。是否有最快的解决方法? 下载桌面应用。下载Microsoft Teams 下面是支持的浏览器版本。
The browser client (https://teams.microsoft.com) is a full, functional client that can be used from various browsers. The browser client supports Calling and Meetings by using webRTC; so there's no plug-in or download required to run Teams in a browser. The browser must be configured to...
Hi, We've been trying to use the "Website" option in our Team on Teams to add a url of our ticketing system, but when I try to login I get the error...
Now you can join personal or professional meetings without switching Teams apps or being prompted to join from your browser. Keep up with any meeting from the Teams app you joined from. To learn more, seeJoin a meeting in Microsoft Teams. ...
(displayed in Teams canvas)", "websiteUrl": "https://contoso.com/content (displayed in web browser)", "searchUrl": "https://contoso.com/content (displayed in web browser)" } ], "supportedChannelTypes": [ "sharedChannels", "privateChannels" ], "bots": [ { "botId": "%MICROSOFT-...
(displayed in Teams canvas)", "websiteUrl": "https://contoso.com/content (displayed in web browser)", "searchUrl": "https://contoso.com/content (displayed in web browser)" } ], "supportedChannelTypes": [ "sharedChannels", "privateChannels" ], "bots": [ { "botId": "%MICROSOFT-...