declineTimeOffRequest - 當使用者拒絕工作休假要求。 這是休假的重要功能,可供主管拒絕休假要求。 deleteClicked - 當在 [工作詳細資料] 中選取 [刪除] 時,會顯示 [確認] 對話方塊。 deleteContact - 使用者刪除現有的私人連絡人。 deleteMeeting - 選取 [會議詳細資料] 頁面中的 [刪除] 按鈕。 deletePersonal...
anonymousMeetingSignIn - 用户从名称输入屏幕导航到登录的次数。 anonymousMeetingSignInWelcome - 在匿名加入会议登录页上选择登录和加入。 anonymousMeetingToggleMuted - 选择“静音”切换按钮的次数。 anonymousMeetingToggleVideo - 选择“视频”切换按钮的次数。 appKilled - 已终止应用程序。 approveTimeOffRequest -...
anonymousMeetingSignIn - ユーザーが名前の入力画面からサインインに移動した回数。 anonymousMeetingJoinWelcome - [サインインして参加] が匿名での会議参加ランディング ページで選択されています。 anonymousMeetingToggleMuted - ミュートのトグル ボタンが選択された回数。 anonymousMeetingToggleMu...
It’s important to collect logs as soon as an issue occurs. Media logging is turned off by default. To enable Media logging, users must turn on the option in the Teams client. Go to Settings > General, and select Enable logging for meeting diagnostics (requi...
Join a Teams meeting and collaborate on meeting notes Click the Notes button in the toolbar. In the Meeting notes pane, you can create an agenda in real time, or review the agenda if one has already been provided. You can also take notes and track tasks. ...
Greetings, I am having an issue with my meetings invites which Teams sends out when I create a meeting. I've enabled Conference bridge for my user via the Business Voice packet. When I create a... Hi NSimpraga, how long does it have been since you have activated the confer...
t engaged with enough time to conduct a thorough review. Teams need real-time guidance based on an understanding of the emerging technology and the complex set of regulatory, ethical, and technical considerations at hand. Meeting this need is made more challenging not only because of the speed ...
Deschamps could have fielded two 23-man squads, and they'd end up meeting in the final. The strongest XI has everything, and Benzema now, which will be too tough for any opponent. - Laurens France. The World Cup winners boast the strongest squad, and teams are able to make fiv...
Traditionally, the last step in the interview process is meeting face-to-face. That may not be feasible if the person is located far away, which means you’ll miss out on that in-person connection. Video conferencing is the next best thing. Markelle Harden, chief content coordinator atClassy...
You were an amazing coach and not only did you help and support us, you also gave us the freedom to be independent so we can learn skills like leadership, time management and meeting with busy schedules. I loved being on this team and I hope this will not be the last of the Hedge...