If an external Teams user that's enabled for compliance recording joins a meeting or call hosted by your organization, the other organization records that meeting or call for compliance purposes, regardless of the Meeting recording setting in your organization. Presenters in that meeting can remove...
If an external Teams user that's enabled for compliance recording joins a meeting or call hosted by your organization, the other organization records that meeting or call for compliance purposes, regardless of the Meeting recording setting in your organization. Presenters in that meeting can remove...
于2021年年初,Microsoft将Teams Meeting Recording存储位置从Stream转移到OneDrive for Business或者SharePoint,目的地是可以使用户将录制捕获的音频、视频和屏幕可以在整个组织中安全的共享,以备日后查看。 我们都知道OneDrive for Business的用户存储空间是有限的,如果一味的将视频录制文件存储在里面,势必会达到存储限制,所...
会议结束后,可以在会议聊天或日历中找到会议的录制内容。 从聊天 转到Teams 中的聊天 。 选择特定会议的聊天。 选择“共享”选项卡。 选择录制内容。 打开查看器时,选择“ 播放”。 从日历 打开Teams 日历。 双击要从中查看录制内容的过去会议。 选择“回顾”。
When the explicit consent policy is enabled, once a user either starts the meeting recording, transcription, or both, all participants are muted, with their cameras and content-share off. When a participant decides to unmute, turn on their camera, or share content, they’re prompted to ...
录制Teams 会议以稍后引用或与他人共享。 会议录制捕获音频、视频和屏幕共享活动,并且可以在整个组织中安全地共享。 “开始录制” 在Teams 会议中,一个人一次可以录制。 开始录制会议时,将自动通知每个人。 还可以打开实时听录并在会议期间查看它们。 若要开始会议录制,请执行以下操作: ...
会议结束后,可以在会议聊天或日历中找到会议的录制内容。 从聊天 转到Teams 中的聊天 。 选择特定会议的聊天。 选择“共享”选项卡。 选择录制内容。 打开查看器时,选择“ 播放”。 从日历 打开Teams 日历。 双击要从中查看录制内容的过去会议。 选择“回顾”。
Alternatively, if I set up the meeting and join for the start, start the recording and then leave the meeting while it is in progress, will the meeting keep recording until everyone has left? Hi, Answer to your first question is yes. Only requirement would be the person should either be...
Answer to your second question:- Yes the meeting will be recorded till the last person leaves the meeting or until the Microsoft Teams Server identifies no activity in the meeting and ends the meeting based on Artificial Intelligence and stops the recording. ...
1)Teams客户端Calendar页面中,选择New Meeting创建会议(Outlook客户端也可以) 2)Calendar->Meet Now创建即时会议 3)在团队频道中创建会议【频道会议】 注意:1,2两种方式都可以归结为非频道会议 在Calendar中创建Live Event,可以在创建Event之前确定是否要启用presenter以及Live Event的权限和各项功能。