Second, meeting notes are also being replaced with Microsoft Loop components as 'Collaborative Meeting Notes'. This may be the case for your organisation. If you have an old meeting with meeting notes, there should be a banner that lets you download a copy of them that looks like this...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:MicrosoftTeams"},"subject":"Re: \"Share system audio\" in a Teams meeting has disappeared","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:1286511"},"parent":{"__ref":"ForumReplyMessa...
Hello! I have a user who created a meeting and now gets that same meeting replicated. How do I solve this ? User is the one who created the meeting but gets the same meeting replicated. User stated his outlook is upto date as well. ...
While no web experience can offer the same robust feature set as a native Teams meeting experience on a native Teams device, this will reduce the friction you experience when trying to join calls from external partners or clients who may not be using the same meeting service. The direct...
I had exactly the same issue. I use to work and suddenly the option disappeared. I have an CPU with AVX, it is not related with this because it used to work before. I've tried everything with the ...\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\blob_storage\Uploads\, install /rei...
We had a Teams Meeting with around 150 people and a bunch of people didn't have the Chat button to click in the action bar to open the side panel. I had the issue and accidentally left the meeting and went back in and then I had the button. After the meeting was over, lots...
One of the coolest features Teams has today is the ability to add or transfer calls and meeting across devices. Today if you are taking a meeting on your PC, you can see a prompt which suggests adding your mobile device to split the audio and video, or transferring completely. This c...
This way both will sync with each other and you will have all the option and functions available try this docs about hybrid I think this will be a good use case for you to try. ...
Brea_Gray Yes, I have the same problem here. I have a channel that has "disappeared". It is not listed as deleted either. I have sync turned on to my desktop and the channel (and files) still exist in file explorer. I tried to create a "new channel" with that ...
I have been running Teams client on my Mac for over a year now, through various updates and versions both of the Teams client and of MacOS. I'm currently on...