录制Teams 会议以稍后引用或与他人共享。 会议录制捕获音频、视频和屏幕共享活动,并且可以在整个组织中安全地共享。 “开始录制” 在Teams 会议中,一个人一次可以录制。 开始录制会议时,将自动通知每个人。 还可以打开实时听录并在会议期间查看它们。 若要开始会议录制,请执行以下操作: ...
Teams 会议录制不再保存到 Microsoft Stream。 所有录制内容现在都保存到 OneDrive for Business。 如果组织仍使用 Stream,请注意: 录制停止后,将对其进行处理并保存到 Stream。 然后便可随时播放。 当录制内容可用时,会议组织者将收到一封电子邮件。 录制内容将显示在会议聊天或频道中。 如果管理员已设置保存到 Str...
如果-MeetingRecordingOwnership设置为MeetingOrganizer,这是默认值,则录制内容将保存到组织者的 OneDrive 中,即使组织者未参加会议或活动也是如此。 所有录制文件都保存到组织者的 OneDrive录制文件夹中。 共同组织者在录制文件时具有与组织者相同的编辑权限。 若要了解组织者没有 OneDrive 帐户时会发生什么情况,请参阅本...
如果-MeetingRecordingOwnership设置为MeetingOrganizer,这是默认值,则录制内容将保存到组织者的 OneDrive 中,即使组织者未参加会议或活动也是如此。 所有录制文件都保存到组织者的 OneDrive录制文件夹中。 共同组织者在录制文件时具有与组织者相同的编辑权限。 若要了解组织者没有 OneDrive 帐户时会发生什么情况,请参阅本...
At first, let the meeting be live. Following that, expand the status bar and select theScreen Recordoption. Next, toggle theRecord audiobutton to record the meeting’s audio as well. When you are done, tap on the Screen Record notification to stop recording. ...
录制是一种非常有用的方法,可以保存会议的宝贵内容以供日后查看。如果您经常依赖 Microsoft Teams 参加工作活动、在线课程或研讨会,则可以选择录制 Teams 会议以保存有用的信息。 Microsoft Teams 允许您直接在其平台上录制会议,以便稍后查看或与无法参加的其他人共享。但您应该知道,一旦您在 Microsoft Teams 中开始会议...
How to Record Microsoft Teams Meetings on Windows Can you record a Teams meeting? Yes. If you want to record Teams Meetings without the other person knowing or capture Teams Meeting as a guest, you can try a powerful third-party screen recorder - EaseUS RecExperts. Although it requires downl...
You can use the Microsoft Teams admin center or PowerShell to set a Teams meeting policy to control whether users' meetings can be recorded. Both the meeting organizer and the recording initiator need to have recording permissions to record the meeting. Meeting organizers with a Teams Premium ...
You can use the Microsoft Teams admin center or PowerShell to set a Teams meeting policy to control whether users' meetings can be recorded. Both the meeting organizer and the recording initiator need to have recording permissions to record the meeting....
Step 1:Record your Microsoft Teams meeting, following their instructions here:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/record-a-meeting-in-teams-34dfbe7f-b07d-4a27-b4c6-de62f1348c24 Step 2:Download your meeting recording or save it to OneDrive, following their instruction here:https://supp...