meetingUserAnonB2C -匿名 B2C 已加入會議。 meetingUserDialIn PSTN ([撥入]) 使用者已加入會議。 meetingUserDialOut - PSTN [回電給我] 使用者已加入會議。 meetingUserFederated -聯合使用者已加入會議。 meetingUserFreemium -免費增值使用者已加入會議。 meetingUserGuest -來賓使用者已加入會議。 meetingUser...
meetingUserAnonB2C - 匿名 B2C 加入了会议。 meetingUserDialIn - PSTN (拨入) 用户加入了会议。 meetingUserDialOut - PSTN 回拨用户加入了会议。 meetingUserFederated - 联合用户加入了会议。 meetingUserFreemium - 免费增值用户加入了会议。 meetingUserGuest - 来宾用户加入了会议。 meetingUserTenant - 租户内...
Notes: If a dial-in number is not available for a meeting, the feature may not have been configured by your IT admin, or the correct licenses may not have been purchased or applied. You must send the meeting invite to at least one person for the dial-in info and ...
meetingUserAnonB2C - 匿名 B2C が会議に参加しました。 meetingUserDialIn - PSTN (ダイヤルイン) ユーザーが会議に参加しました。 meetingUserDialOut - PSTN [もう一度通話する] ユーザーが会議に参加しました。 meetingUserFederated - フェデレーション ユーザーが会議に参加しました。 meeting...
If you find a phone number and conference ID in the meeting invite, dial the number to join. If you're the meeting organizer, you'll need to enter the dial-in PIN when you call in to a meeting. Need help finding the dial-in PIN? SelectReset dial-in PINon the meeting invite. Ma...
Audio conferencing in Microsoft Teams allows users to join the audio portion of meetings from anywhere using a dial-in number. Try it with your team today.
Microsoft Teams:Windows 上 Teams 會議室 的通話應用程式更新:Windows 上的 Teams 會議室 會對應 Teams 桌面的通話體驗,並以通話取代 Teams 會議室控制臺上的 Dial pad 控制器。 通話應用程式可讓使用者在可用的情況下撥打 PSTN 通話,以及啟用 P2P Teams 通話、群組 Teams 通話和 P2P 同盟使用者通話的進入點。
{"__ref":"Forum:board:MicrosoftTeams"},"parent":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:3882514"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:3882514"},"subject":"Re: Client not seeing option to join Teams meeting via phone other than dial in","moderationData...
If you know the meeting ID, select the Dial-in number and conference ID option to join in. You will be asked to type in the meeting ID and its password so that you can join. After you type that in, click on the Join now button. ...
This is done to enhance the privacy of your meetings – but also gives you time to make sure you’re ready for an important customer meeting. In the future, an admin will have the option to update the settings to allow anonymous users to join directly without having to go into lobby.\...