Add up to 10 co-organizers to help manage your meeting. Co-organizers are shown as organizers in the meeting participant list. Their permissions are very similar to those of a meeting organizer. Co-organizer permissions Co-organizers can: Co-organizers can't: Acc...
I heard the following today from a Product Manager for the Co-Organizer role:"I wanted to provide an answer to your question: Yes, Co-organizers will be able to access and modify meeting options before, during, or even after the meeting -- just like the Organizer...
Use this setting when you want to keep track of who is still in your meeting, and who has already left. Choose co-organizers After you invite people to your meeting, add co-organizers to give them most organizer capabilities. Add co-organizers for more help managing the meeting, lo...
Even so, it’s a useful feature to have available when you’re planning a large and complex meeting.\n","kudosSumWeight":2,"repliesCount":64,"postTime":"2021-...
The “Only me” selection for the “Who can bypass the lobby?” meeting option has also been updated to reflect that this will apply to “Only me and co-organizers.” Usage of the co-organizer role for a meeting is optional. If users choose not to use the co-organizer feature, there...
Only organizers and co-organizers As the meeting organizer, you and any co-organizers can get into the meeting directly. Everyone else will wait in the lobby. You want everyone else to wait in the lobby until you're ready to admit them. ...
Set-CsTeamsEventsPolicy-Identity<policy name>-AutoAdmittedUsersOrganizerAndCoOrganizersOnly 运行大厅诊断工具 如果用户最近在组织主持的会议中遇到不想要的大厅体验,则可以使用大厅诊断工具来调查预期的大厅体验。 此工具介绍特定会议中特定用户的预期大厅体验,并提供在当前体验与配置不一致时进行策略更改的指导。 确保以...
a valid Canada (+1 country code), Netherlands (+31 country code), New Zealand (+64 country code), Norway (+47 country code), United Kingdom (+44 country code), or United States phone number (+1 country code). The text notifications are sent in the language of the meeting organizer....
Configure and demonstrate Teams Premium features and policies to enhance the Teams Meeting organizer experience. Teams Premium for Meeting Organizers provides a meeting organizer with tools and capabilities to create and manage Teams meetings with confiden...
Live Share On When On, users can edit a document from within the Teams meeting window, which enables real-time coauthoring in the meeting. Organizer can restrict participants from copying or forwarding meeting chat messages, live captions, and transcripts On When On, meeting organizers have the ...