已點選 callHistory 專案中的一對一視訊通話。 放置群組視訊通話 - [確認] 對話方塊。 chatStartVideoCallSFB - 已點選一對一視訊通話按鈕。 chatWithMeetingParticipants - 從 [會議詳細資料] 頁面選取 [聊天] 索引標籤。 checkListAddClicked - 已選取檢查清單區段中的工作詳細資料視圖內的 [新增專案]。 checkL...
A meeting URL will never stop working. The expiry only relates to any PSTN dial-in numbers, CVI coordinates, and/or underlying meeting policies and settings. Meeting typeMeeting expires after this much timeEach time you start or update a meeting, expiration extends by this much time ...
从callHistory 项点击的 1:1 视频呼叫。 发出组视频呼叫 - 确认对话框。 chatStartVideoCallSFB - 点击的 1:1 视频通话按钮。 chatWithMeetingParticipants - 从“会议详细信息”页中选择“聊天”选项卡。 checkListAddClicked - 在清单的任务详细信息视图部分中选中了“添加项目”。 checkListItemAdded - 已为任务...
Manage the audio conferencing toll and toll-free numbers to display in meeting invites that users in your org create.Expand table SettingDefaultDescription Include toll-free numbers in meeting invites created by users of this policy On When On, any meetings users with this policy create include ...
Teams App • If Audio Conferencing numbers are available dial into the Teams meeting • Dial into the meeting with a single touch. Join from Teams or Outlook Calendar via "Dial In" or "Call Me" if available. (screenshot to the right) NOTE: "Call Me" may incur charges for ...
“Resume call” reliability has been improved on consult transfer. Audio conferencing is not supported on Teams phone devices with Meeting Teams Room Basic license. You now have the option to add and edit your emergency location on phones. Emergency service disclaimers specified by admins...
TheCalendarapp in Teams will show your personal Microsoft calendar. You can create meeting requests in theCalendarapp and this works well. However, you will find that it would be better to create Teams meetings in Outlook. The main reason for this is that as of the time of writing, the ...
Support added for reverse number lookup of PSTN number on call queue calls The issue of autodialing on partially entered number has been fixed Option to Sign-out on common area phones -> Advanced calling experience requires Admin PIN Light weight meeting reduces the time it takes user...
Integrated CART Captioning in MeetingsYou can now view captions coming from a CART provider (real-time captioning) within the Microsoft Teams meeting window instead of a secondary window. Follow along with what is being said without having to choose between the captions and...
Integrated CART Captioning in MeetingsYou can now view captions coming from a CART provider (real-time captioning) within the Microsoft Teams meeting window instead of a secondary window. Follow along with what is being said without having to choose between the captions and...