,选择要加入的会议,并拨打会议详细信息中提供的电话号码,即可呼叫会议。 如果您不是团队成员,您仍然可以从 Outlook 或其他电子邮件应用程序中收到的邀请加入团队会议。 使用提供的电话号码拨入会议。 注意:本页面是自动翻译的,可能包含语法错误或不准确之处。 我们的目的是使此内容能对你有所帮助。 能否告知我们此...
已點選 callHistory 專案中的一對一視訊通話。 放置群組視訊通話 - [確認] 對話方塊。 chatStartVideoCallSFB - 已點選一對一視訊通話按鈕。 chatWithMeetingParticipants - 從 [會議詳細資料] 頁面選取 [聊天] 索引標籤。 checkListAddClicked - 已選取檢查清單區段中的工作詳細資料視圖內的 [新增專案]。 checkL...
Guided project - Prepare meeting room experiences - Training In this module, you'll prepare your Microsoft 365 developer tenant to be ready for the usage of Microsoft Teams Rooms. You'll create the tenant from scratch, change security related settings, and prepare Microsoft Teams Rooms specific...
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting: Enter a meeting from your Teams meeting invite. Dial-in number and conference ID: Use these if you need to call into the meeting. Choose the audio and video settings you want. SelectJoin now. Join a Teams meeting on the web ...
Join a Teams meeting on the web Don't have the Teams app? You can still join a Teams meeting. In your email invite, selectJoin the meeting now. You can also use a dial-in number and conference ID from the email to call in.
可以使用teamsCallAgent实例上的方法join加入 Teams 会议。 Teams 用户可以通过提供TeamsMeetingLinkLocator、TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator或TeamsMeetingIdLocator来加入 Teams 会议。 使用会议 URL 加入 Teams 会议: JavaScript constmeetingCall = teamsCallAgent.join({meetingLink:'<MEETING_LINK>'}); ...
从callHistory 项点击的 1:1 视频呼叫。 发出组视频呼叫 - 确认对话框。 chatStartVideoCallSFB - 点击的 1:1 视频通话按钮。 chatWithMeetingParticipants - 从“会议详细信息”页中选择“聊天”选项卡。 checkListAddClicked - 在清单的任务详细信息视图部分中选中了“添加项目”。 checkListItemAdded - 已为任务...
In Teams, you can call in to a meeting by going to theCalendar on the left side of the app, selecting the meeting you want to join, and dialing the phone number provided in the meeting details. If you’re not a member of Teams, you can still join a Teams meeting from an invitation...
When you do so, a Join a Microsoft Teams Meeting link is created in the body of the invite. If the delegator's account has an Audio Conferencing license, a phone number and conference ID will be included. 3 Create a Title for your meeting invite. 4 In the Required box, enter the ...
Audio conferencing in Microsoft Teams allows users to join the audio portion of meetings from anywhere using a dial-in number. Try it with your team today.