嗯。你的浏览器版本不受支持。是否有最快的解决方法? 下载桌面应用。 下载Microsoft Teams 下面是支持的浏览器版本。
adal-sso-windows.ts:this.loggingService.logError- 記錄登入 Windows 裝置時發生一般 SSO 錯誤,初始化聊天服務時發生錯誤,或登入失敗資訊。 appOnlineService.ts:loggingService.getInstance- 記錄因在啟動期間,或使用下載預先使用者驗證、預先授權設定而無法剖析設定所發生的錯誤情況。
Take your online meetings to the next level. Microsoft Teams allows you to easily connect with coworkers, family, and friends on the device of your choice.
Teams 会议室资源帐户必须具有托管在 Exchange Online 或 Exchange Server 上的邮箱。 否则,Exchange 服务会报告发现过程中用户不存在邮箱。若要检查会议室邮箱是否存在,请使用以下选项之一:在Teams 会议室设备上: 在事件查看器中,转到应用程序和服务日志>Skype 会议室系统。 如果看到事件 ID 2001,请...
In a private browser window, log in to the Microsoft admin account. The URL takes the following form: https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant-id>/adminconsent?client_id=<client-id> where you replace<tenant-id>with the Directory (tenant) ID that you just copied and you replace<client-id...
A token will be generated and the client and can be verified on the 302 message from login.microsoftonline.com: Token expires_in=3599 (1h) From this point the client execute all the requests with the access token on the HTTP header:...
支持的值:mailRead、、mailCompose、meetingDetailsOrganizer、meetingDetailsAttendeeonlineMeetingDetailsOrganizer、logEventMeetingDetailsAttendee、default requirements Object 指定Office 客户端上必须支持的范围、formFactors 和 Office JavaScript 库要求集,以便显示功能区自定义项。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft 365 的...
All these log in windows in Microsoft Teams can be very confusing. As you use the windows app, a browser or a InPrivate browser and even when you use
I JUST got mine to let me sign in, but now I'm getting a message with my work email saying"That Microsoft account doesn't exist. Enter a different account or get a new one". which is garbage since I can literally log in online to the web version of teams with THAT email....
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