本文介绍如何在 Teams 中配置来宾访问设置(包括通话、会议和聊天)。 Teams 中的来宾访问还需要在 Microsoft 365 中配置其他设置,包括 Microsoft Entra ID、Microsoft 365 组和 SharePoint 中的设置。 如果你已准备好开始邀请来宾加入 Teams,请阅读以下内容之一: ...
借助来宾访问,你可以为组织外部的人员提供对团队、频道中的文档、资源、聊天和应用程序的访问,同时保持对公司数据的控制。 拥有企业或消费者电子邮件帐户(如 Outlook、Gmail 或其他)的任何人都可以作为来宾参与 Teams。 如果尚未设置来宾访问权限,请按照“在团队中与来宾协作”的步骤进行操作。
Set-CsTeamsClientConfiguration -AllowGuestUser $True -Identity Global 然后,可以使用以下 cmdlet 自定义来宾访问设置:PowerShell 复制 Set-CsTeamsGuestCallingConfiguration Set-CsTeamsGuestMeetingConfiguration Set-CsTeamsGuestMessagingConfiguration 下一单元: 管理 SharePoint 和 OneDrive 中的文件共享 ...
When i invited guest user to my pubic teams channel, they received an invite email and claimed it. But when they accessed the channel it show an error: "you’ll need permissions to access this team or channel. try contacting the team owner or admin.". I tried to delete them out...
微软Teams划分为两种形式,它们分别是guest来宾和external access外部访问。从字面来理解,刚开始很难区分出来到底有什么区别。随着自己深入的操作和实践才分辨出来这两个的区别。 Guest来宾设置 这个功能的工作区域是在Teams下面,就是用于把组织外部的用户通过邮件的方式添加到一个teams下面,用户会收到这个欢迎邮件,点击后...
Teams Guest Access Users - Which SharePoint Permissions Group Are They in for File Permissions? I am trying to understand what the file permissions are in the underlying Teams SP for guests. Shown above is a "Financials" Private Channel permissions and owners, members, ...
Learn about how to turn on or turn off the guest access feature in Microsoft Teams as an Office 365 admin.
迁移、管理和保护Teams以支持您的远程工作人员。当前正在快速部署Microsoft Teams软件以支持激增的远程办公人员。这一激增带来了严重的IT挑战,包括如何将文件共享内容迁移到Teams,如何更好地对Teams进行日常管理和保护,以及在合并和收购期间如何整合Teams。利用Quest解决方案,可以使您的Teams保持井然有序,避免其无序增长。同...
Note:Before guests can join a team, an admin mustenable guest access in Teams. If you can't add a guest, check with your admin. Add a guest to your team Locate the team, then point to revealMore options . ...
Today, Microsoft Teams is getting even better with the rollout of guest access to all Office 365 commercial and education customers.