若要控制哪些使用者可以看到切換開關,請使用TeamsUpdate管理原則下的Teams系統管理員設定UseNewTeamsClient。在Teams 管理員 中心或使用 Teams PowerShell 管理此設定。Teams 系統管理中心 PowerShell 透過Teams 管理員 Center 設定設定。 升級的原則設定 展開資料表 設定描述 未啟用 使用此值...
可以使用带有 参数的 PowerShell Set-CsTeamsUpdateManagementPolicy cmdlet -AllowPublicPreview 设置预览策略。若要使用 PowerShell 设置新的 Teams 客户端策略,请使用 Set-CsTeamsUpdateManagementPolicy 带有-UseNewTeamsClient 参数的 cmdlet。Teams 更新策略的相关文章...
To set the new Teams client policy using PowerShell, use the Set-CsTeamsUpdateManagementPolicy cmdlet with the -UseNewTeamsClient parameter.Related articles for Teams update policiesMicrosoft Teams Public Preview Public Preview Features - Microsoft Tech Community Upgrade to the new Teams using policies...
Select Add to create a new policy or select an existing policy to open Update policy. Name the update policy, add a description, and select the setting for “Use new Teams client”, as shown below. SettingDescription New Teams as defaultSets the new Teams as default.Note:This option is ...
当更新可用且应用处于空闲状态时,Teams 会自动更新。 当Teams 桌面应用中提供更新时,更新将显示在 Teams 窗口的顶部。 可以选择更新 Teams,而不是在空闲期间等待自动更新。 若要更新,请选择“更新 >更新”,然后重启 Teams 。 Teams 将自动关闭并更新。 如果未自动重新打开,请在设备上选择并打开更新的 Teams 应用...
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-client-update and here https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/update-microsoft-teams-535a8e4b-45f0-4f6c-8b3d-91bca7a51db1 for example.But sometimes you're just stuck as nothing happens when trying to clear the cache, rese...
Teams update process is unorthodox in enterprise, more like a consumer app, but this is deliberate from Microsoft to manage the far faster pace of change in what is really a web application in a wrapper. In my experience across Teams at many organisation it is very robust, the only issues...
You can disable Microsoft Teams optimization by updating the value of theVDWEBRTCfield to Off in the/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/config/module.inifile. The default is VDWEBRTC=On. After the update is completed, restart the Session. (Root permission is required). ...
Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName CiscoServiceProviderEnabled -Identity Step 12. SelectOkto complete the setup. Note: PowerShell changes to Microsoft tenant can take time to propagate in the Microsoft 365 environment. Microsoft says this can take up to 6 hours, altho...
Grant-CsTeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy -PolicyName CiscoServiceProviderEnabled -Identity Step 12. SelectOkto complete the setup. Note: PowerShell changes to Microsoft tenant can take time to propagate in the Microsoft 365 environment. Microsoft says this can take up to 6 hours, ...