For instructions about how to identify and remove holds and retention policies, see "Step 3: Remove all holds from the mailbox" inDelete items in the Recoverable Items folder of cloud-based mailboxes on hold. 步驟5:從 Teams 刪除聊天訊息 ...
Learn about Microsoft 365 retention policies that apply to Microsoft Teams so you can manage automatic retention or deletion of these messages for your organization.
meetingNotificationSettingsNone -通知設定選項已變更為 [無]。 messagePriority_select -已選取訊息優先順序進入點。 messageSeeOriginal -使用者將已翻譯的訊息還原為原始訊息。 meetingSeeParticipantsChatDetails -查看所有參與者。 memberListLoadMore -向下捲動以載入更多。 messagedEditMessage -使用者編輯訊息。 message...
meetingNotificationSettingsAll - 通知设置选项已更改为“全部”。 meetingNotificationSettingsNone - 通知设置选项已更改为“无”。 messagePriority_select - 已选择消息优先级入口点。 messageSeeOriginal - 用户将翻译后的消息还原为原始消息。 meetingSeeParticipantsChatDetails - 查看所有参与者。 memberListLoadMore -...
In addition to the above retention settings in Compliance Center, you can also setmessaging policiesin the Microsoft Teams admin center. Admins can use messaging policies to control which chat and channel messaging features are available to users. To see the full list of settings you can configur...
Would be very grateful to hear how people are approaching Records Retention policies for Microsoft Teams Chat. Do you have one? If so what is the retention period you have set? Has this always in place? If not, how did you approach the change...
It will come, I'm sure. "The initial release of Meeting Transcription will not have support for applying retention policies, eDiscovery, or legal hold. As a result, the lifecycle of meeting transcripts will depend on manual management by the meeting organizers." ...
Q1: When you save a message, is the entire history saved along with it? Example, I want to save just today's part of a persistent conversation. But when I...
Teams. Companies that implemented Security & Compliance service like Microsoft Purview viaeDiscovery,sensitive information types,retention policies, or other services likeTeams Export APIsorSafe Links for Teams, and many others, can take advantage of these sol...
send chat messages back and forth. I think the most784 00:46:03,490 –> 00:46:06,290 prevalent use case around that is the idea that the785 00:46:06,290 –> 00:46:10,330 agent pre- qualifies the Teams user as available, based on786...