Set-CsTenantBlockedCallingNumbers允许指定是在租户级别打开还是关闭全局租户阻止调用。 管理块编号模式 使用New-、Get-、Set-、Test-和Remove-CsInboundBlockedNumberPatternTeams PowerShell 模块 cmdlet 来管理数字模式。 Get-CsInboundBlockedNumberPattern返回添加到租户列表的所有阻止数字模式的列表,包括名称、说明、启用...
通过Get-和Set-CsTenantBlockingCallingNumbers命令工具管理查看和激活整个呼入呼叫阻止功能。 Get-CsTenantBlockedCallingNumbers 获取全局黑名单号码和白名单号码的参数。 此命令工具还会获取黑名单号码功能是否已启用 (True 或 False) 。 Set-CsTenantBlockedCallingNumbers 允许普通用户权限来修改打开和关闭全局用户级别的黑...
blockAnonymous - 时间: 启用通话设置以从设置中阻止没有来电显示 ID 的呼叫。 禁用通话设置以从设置中阻止没有来电显示 ID 的呼叫。 启用通话设置以从操作表中阻止没有来电显示 ID 的呼叫。 禁用通话设置以从操作工作表中阻止没有来电显示 ID 的呼叫。 blockCaller - 阻止: 新iOS 呼叫操作表中的号码和联系人...
blockChat - 封鎖聊天機器人。 此屬性會加強聊天中現有的遙測,且僅增加應用程式資訊。 botClickCardAction - 連接器卡使用情況。 brbFormOpened - 使用者已要求傳送意見反應。 brbFormSubmit - 使用者已提交意見。 breakStartEndClicked - 在螢幕上的時鐘中,已選取 [開始] 或[結束休息] 按鈕。 breakStartEndTrigg...
The telephone numbers can then be used to set up calling features for users and services in your organization. Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder Use the Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder cmdlet to get the order report of a specific telephone number order. Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberType Use the ...
4. Remove Microsoft Teams blocked numbers Click on yourprofile picture. Go toSettings>Calls. SelectManage blocked numbersunderBlock calls. Here you get access to any numbers you’ve blocked and remove them from the list. Sometimes, there’s a healthy dose of guilt that comes immediately after ...
SelectEdit blocked contactsunderBlocked contactsto see any numbers you've blocked and remove them from the list. To block anonymous calls, selectBlock calls with no caller ID. Note:Anonymous call blocking currently only works for Direct Routing clients. Calling Plan support is coming soon. ...
The telephone numbers can then be used to set up calling features for users and services in your organization. Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder Use the Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder cmdlet to get the order report of a specific telephone number order. Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberType Use the ...
can be challenging. Employees in your organization can easily call each other from Teams without a phone number. For your employees who use phone numbers to make and receive calls with customers, partners, and vendors, those numbers need to be with them, wherever they a...
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