largeImageUrl: The app's color icon. accentColor: The color to use and a background for your outline icons. developerUrl: The HTTPS URL of the developer's website. privacyUrl: The HTTPS URL of the developer's privacy policy. termsOfUseUrl: The HTTPS URL of the developer's terms of ...
I'm not sure that is the best solution. Given the size of the exclusion list it would probably be better for Nahimic to use an include list that only includes products they certify to work with their service. It seems backwards to have users go in and exclude every program that doesn't... There is also a uservoice requesting saving the background option.
A key component of the deployment of Microsoft Teams, is ensuring that the networks used to connect to Microsoft 365 services are operating at a satisfactory quality for a good user experience. Microsoft have been gracious enough to provide a command line tool for doing network testing, to ensur...
Image: © Stafeeva/ How might global business be impacted by Trump’s DEI policies? Follow Us By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. ...
3. Theoretical background Researchers divide the ET lifespan into three heuristic stages (e.g., Francis and Sandberg, 2000; Ben-Hafaïedh, 2017): formation, when the team is being assembled; functioning, when the team exists and its members are developing a venture; and outcomes, when the...
=a.length&&r(o)}))})})},co=function(e){return so(e,},lo=function(n){return{is:function(e){return n===e},isValue:C,isError:b,getOr:q(n),getOrThunk:q(n),getOrDie:q(n),or:function(e){return lo(n)},orThunk:function(e){return lo(n)},fold:function(e,t){retur...
TheContextmenu makes it simple to change an object's color, edit text, copy an object, or move an object backwards or forwards. Objects include text boxes, shapes, sticky notes, reactions, templates, images, and documents. To open theContextmenu, click or tap on an object. ...
largeImageUrl: The app's color icon. accentColor: The color to use and a background for your outline icons. developerUrl: The HTTPS URL of the developer's website. privacyUrl: The HTTPS URL of the developer's privacy policy. termsOfUseUrl: The HTTPS URL of the developer's terms of ...
largeImageUrl: The app's color icon. accentColor: The color to use and a background for your outline icons. developerUrl: The HTTPS URL of the developer's website. privacyUrl: The HTTPS URL of the developer's privacy policy. termsOfUseUrl: The HTTPS URL of the developer's terms of ...