Simplified compose experience: With this release, the message compose experience becomes simpler, more scalable, and clearer to use. Everything has a consistent place to be found and aligns with modern compose experiences that exist in many other apps. This experience will be available in both cla...
Messaging extensions are shortcuts for inserting app content or acting on a message without navigating away from the conversation. Keep your messaging extension simple and display only the components required to effectively complete the action. Complete website mustn't be I-fra...
Fix 3: Set a Status Message on Teams A handy workaround is to set a status message that your colleagues and manager will see when they message or @mention you. So, even if your Team’s status shows Away, your team members know you are available. Let’s begin with the steps for the...
Fix 3: Set a Status Message on Teams A handy workaround is to set a status message that your colleagues and manager will see when they message or @mention you. So, even if your Team’s status shows Away, your team members know you are available. Let’s begin with the steps for the...
Email is one of the most time-consuming parts of an educator’s job. Sifting through, responding to, and deleting emails about announcements, protocols, and when the next staff meeting is takes time away from the most important part of an educator's work: the learners. By streamlining conver...
Citrix RealTime Optimization Pack and HDX optimization for Microsoft Teams multimedia engines then honor the configuration set in your environment. Examples include island modes and Skype for Business with Microsoft Teams collaboration. Also, Skype for Business with Microsoft Teams collaboration and meetings...
Before we even got our employees into training, we knew we needed to make a good first impression, hit the points that will interest them, and find the message that excites employees about Microsoft Teams. The awareness pillar encompasses several important tasks: Identify key roles to use teams...
Really useful software unobtrusively blends into the lives of its users and makes their lives easier without needing them to drastically change what it is they do day to day, so if you’re in the business of building really useful software, at some point you’re going to need to interact ...
{{ message }} kinmengcoder53 / global.hackathon Public forked from fixitsammie/global.hackathon Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 0 Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights ...
Create a living wiki to document recurring processes, which reinforces the message of steady evolution. Update and reorganize them regularly — everyone on the team should have access and trust to refine them. Finally, check in periodically on what isn’t working and discard what doesn’t serve...