appKilled - 應用程式已終止。 approveTimeOffRequest - 當第一線工作者 (FLW) 主管批准第一線工作者的休假要求時。 assigneeChange - 當新的受託人被新增至工作專案時,觸發。 assignmentPickerClicked - 選取 [指派給] 按鈕,並開啟受託人選擇器頁面。 assignmentRemoved - 當選取 x 將受託人自工作專案移除時 ...
Notify users after license assignment. Guide users on how to add the app to Teams and get started through Teams chat bot or email. If a SaaS app uses Microsoft license management, after the confirmation of the app subscription on the ISV's landing page, the user must be re...
assignmentPickerClicked - 已选中“分配给”按钮,打开“代理人选取器”页面。 assignmentRemoved - 当通过选择 “x” 从任务项中移除代理人(这是删除代理人的唯一方法)时触发。 attachmentAdded - 确认已成功添加任务中的附件。 attachmentDeleted - 确认已成功删除任务中的附件。 attachmentUpdated - 确认已成功更新任...
appKilled - アプリケーションを終了します。 approveTimeOffRequest - 現場担当者マネージャーが現場担当者の休暇をとりたいという要求を承認した場合。 assigneeChange - 新しい担当者がタスク アイテムに追加されるとトリガーされます。 assignmentPickerClicked - [割り当て先] ボタンが選択されて...
Hi,added a couple of new phone numbers and Microsoft 365 E5 licenses to my tenant this morning.Several hours later I tried to assign these phone numbers to...
Get-TeamsAppInstallation Get-TeamTargetingHierarchyStatus Get-TeamUser Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy Grant-CsCallingLineIdentity Grant-CsCloudMeetingPolicy Grant-CsDialoutPolicy Grant-CsExternalAccessPolicy Grant-CsExternalUserCommunicationPolicy Grant-CsGroupPolicyPackageAssignment Grant-CsOnlineAudioConferencingRou...
What are known limitations for pre-meeting breakout room creation and participant pre-assignment for breakout rooms? Meeting organizers using pre-meeting breakout room creation and participant pre-assignment has following limitations: Roles: Only meeting organizers can pre-create brea...
This is only required if new posts need apporval. 100 Integer Spaces Property key & DescriptionDefault ValueType scoold.auto_assign_spacesA comma-separated list of spaces to assign to all new users. String scoold.reset_spaces_on_new_assignmentSpaces delegated from identity providers will ...
8080"#access key for your Para apppara.access_key="app:scoold"#secret key for your Para apppara.secret_key=""#the email or identifier of the admin user - check Para user objectpara.admins=""### Authentication ###enable or disable email and password authenticationpara.pas...
The frontline worker (FLW) onboarding wizard empowers IT admins to pilot and deploy Teams for frontline workers in just a few steps, streamlining team creation, license assignment, and policy package assignment. Government These features currently available to Microsoft’s commercial customers in mult...