Used to be able to add additional people to a chat and get option to show chat history with add person icon at top of screen. Now, when press button you only get the option to start a brand new grou...Show More Conversations Messaging User Interface Reply View ...
已點選 callHistory 專案中的一對一視訊通話。 放置群組視訊通話 - [確認] 對話方塊。 chatStartVideoCallSFB - 已點選一對一視訊通話按鈕。 chatWithMeetingParticipants - 從 [會議詳細資料] 頁面選取 [聊天] 索引標籤。 checkListAddClicked - 已選取檢查清單區段中的工作詳細資料視圖內的 [新增專案]。 checkL...
从callHistory 项点击的 1:1 视频呼叫。 发出组视频呼叫 - 确认对话框。 chatStartVideoCallSFB - 点击的 1:1 视频通话按钮。 chatWithMeetingParticipants - 从“会议详细信息”页中选择“聊天”选项卡。 checkListAddClicked - 在清单的任务详细信息视图部分中选中了“添加项目”。 checkListItemAdded - 已为任务...
below your profile picture at the upper-right of Teams. You'll see a small number next to it showing how many members are currently in the group. Then chooseAdd people . Type the person's email address, phone number, or tag. Then, choose if and ...
> Add people. Type the names of the people you'd like to chat with. If it is an existing group chat, you can also choose how much of the chat history to include. SelectAddto add them to the conversation. Notes: You can include chat history only when adding someone to an existing ...
[callHistory] の項目で [1:1のビデオ通話] をタップする。 グループ ビデオ通話の発信 - 確認ダイアログ。 chatStartVideoCallSFB- 1:1 [1:1のビデオ通話] ボタンのタップ。 chatWithMeetingParticipants- [会議の詳細] ページで [チャット] タブを選択します。 checkListAddClicked - チェッ...
When you add someone to a group chat, you choose how much existing chat history they'll see. To add someone to a group chat and choose this setting: SelectView and add participants . Then, selectAdd people. Type in the names of the people you'd like ...
Create shared channels On When On, team owners can create shared channels for people within and outside the organization. Invite external users to shared channels On When On, owners of a shared channel can invite external people in other Microsoft Entra organizations to join the channel, if Micr...
Today, we are excited to unveil the latest innovations coming to Microsoft Teams to make teamwork easier, more flexible, and inclusive. This post provides...
Allow people to attend your town hall from SharePoint by embedding it into the site. SharePoint attendees can participate in the event’s Q&A and chat, if available. To learn more, seeSchedule a town hall in Microsoft Teams. Enjoy fresh scenery in Mesh ...