14.21 este patch-ul pentru Tactician's Crown, deci ne axăm pe echilibrări și buff-uri competitive.Actualizări ale jocului23.10.2024 Articole pe aceeași temă Actualizări ale jocului 23.01.2025 Teamfight Tactics – notele patch-ului 13.4 (2025) Este Anul Șarpelui în...
Pretty much everything else. The gameplay, game systems, balance updates, new sets, ranked—all the things you've come to love about Teamfight Tactics are remaining the same. It's really important to us that your experience remains true, no matter where you play. That's It We're excited...
Game Updates 08/01/2025 Teamfight Tactics patch 13.3 notes (2025) We’re back with our first (small) patch of the year, which smooths out the opening encounter & carousel experiences, while we prepare for major changes next patch. Game Updates 11/12/2024 Teamfight Tactics patch 14.24 notes...
Teamfight Tactics (or TFT) is an autobattler by Riot Games. On PC, it is currently only playable through the League of Legends client as a game mode, with a standalone application available for mobile. It was first presented on June 10, 2019, available o
botopencvautomationtftpyautoguiteamfighttacticstft-botteamfighttactics-bot UpdatedApr 20, 2024 Python Files from Teamfight Tactics to use in your projects, distributed by Riot Games. Contains some old and new files. Check README for details about repository updates. ...
Teamfight Tactics Mobile Details A few details for anyone planning to play TFT both on PC and mobile. Game Updates Riot Beernana3/19/2020Teamfight Tactics is coming to Android and IOS devices around the world, and we wanted to give you a heads-up on what to expect.Inventory...
Teamfight Tactics is a constantly-evolving auto chess game which receives frequent updates throughout each of its main sets. Alongside the main Teamfight Tactics patch notes, it’s not uncommon to see the developers at Riot Games issue smaller sub-patches – known as B-patches – which address...
It is important to note that these rankings may change as new patches and updates are released, so be sure to check back often! TFT S Tier List (2025) The S-tier champions are the best of the best in the Teamfight Tactics tier list and will be a strong addition to any team. These...
Höhepunkte Neu Xerath Rang 5 Herkunft: Sternenvernichter Klasse: Zaubermeister Leben: 750/1.350/2.430 Rüstung: 20 Angriffsschaden: 60/108/194 Angriffstempo: 0,9 Mana: 30/80 Höllenbombardement: Xerath transformiert sich und beschwört 6/8/45 Sekunden lang Meteore herab, die zufäl...
Game Updates 23/01/2025 Teamfight Tactics patch 13.4 notes (2025) It’s the Year of the Snake on the Convergence, and we’re celebrating with new Chibis, a new event Pass (and Act II Pass), Dark Cosmic Jhin Unbound, and the Festival of Beasts Revival! We also have a few changes for...