If you need to pull a base image from a private repository or push a newly built image to a registry, you can authorize to a Docker or Podman registry, as follows: In your project settings, selectConnectionsfrom the sidebar and follow the instructions inConfiguring Connections to Dockerto add...
TeamCity 代理 Docker 镜像支持 .NET Core 2.2 2018.2 到 2018.2.1 的更改 没有潜在的破坏性更改。 2018.1.x 至 2018.2 的更改 已知问题 如果升级过程中出现 MoveCustomDataStorageToDatabaseConverter 或 MoveRepositoryStateToCustomDataStorageConverter 错误,应用 问题 中的解决方法。 如果您正在使用来自...
Docker Kubernetes Kafka Vagrant automatic GPG and SSH agent handling for handling encrypted private keys without re-entering passwords, and lazy evaluation to only prompt key load the first time SSH is called and lots more - see .bash.d/README for a more detailed list run make bash to link...
docker build --pull --no-cache --platform "linux/$platform_name" \ --tag "$dockerhub_arch_tag" --tag "$gcr_arch_tag" "$tmpdir" docker_login_gcr "$gcr_repository" "$gcr_credentials" docker push "$gcr_arch_tag" docker push "$dockerhub_arch_tag" gcr_amends+=("--amend" "$gc...
Octopus Deploy will take those packages and to push them to development, test, and production environments. The Octopus TeamCity plugin comes with these custom build runners: Octopus Deploy: Pack Create a NuGet or Zip formatted package. Octopus Deploy: Build Information add information about the bu...
systemctl restart docker # 重启docker服务 1. 2. 3. 配置阿里云镜像加速器: sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF' { "registry-mirrors": ["https://3wicg4zk.mirror.aliyuncs.com"] } EOF sudo systemctl daemon-reload ...
* Build a docker image and publish it to the local registry * Build a docker image and publish it to the k3d registry * Deploy the operator and wait for it to be available * Ensure your shell is configured to use the new cluster (kube context) **make dev/down** Tears down th...
Docker Kubernetes Kafka Vagrant automatic GPG and SSH agent handling for handling encrypted private keys without re-entering passwords, and lazy evaluation to only prompt key load the first time SSH is called and lots more - see .bash.d/README for a more detailed list run make bash to link...
aws_ecr_*.sh - AWS ECR docker image management scripts: aws_ecr_docker_build_push.sh - builds a docker image and pushes it to ECR with not just the latest docker tag but also the current Git hashref and Git tags aws_ecr_list_tags.sh - lists all the tags for a given ECR docker...
Docker Kubernetes Kafka Vagrant automatic GPG and SSH agent handling for handling encrypted private keys without re-entering passwords, and lazy evaluation to only prompt key load the first time SSH is called and lots more - see .bash.d/README for a more detailed list run make bash to link...