体验Teamcenter X 带来的即开即用的云 PLM 软件即服务 (SaaS)。免费试用该深受信赖的产品生命周期管理 (PLM) 软件!
TEAMCENTER X 由西门子提供的云端 SaaS 使用软件即服务快速上手使用。包括运营、维护和升级。 Teamcenter X SaaS 与您的业务一起成长 了解企业如何借助 Teamcenter X 成长,即便是小型初创企业也是如此。即开即用的云 SaaS PLM 可快速实现价值。您可以高效管理自己的产品数字孪生,加快向市场推出新型的创新...
Teamcenter X 是您即时采用 PLM 的门户。利用西门子的 PLM 专业知识,助力贵公司蓬勃发展。探索采用 Teamcenter X 的 SaaS PLM,立即访问预配置的 PLM 功能和用户友好的界面。立即观看我们的短视频,详细了解云交付以及如何从任何地方安全地访问产品生命周期数据。
Experience instant-on, cloud PLM software as a service (SaaS) with Teamcenter X. Try the most trusted product lifecycle management (PLM) software for free!
“Managing our CAD designs efficiently in a single, proven PLM system, is our top priority with Teamcenter X. We also appreciate the ability to grow PLM when we’re ready.” Classified Cycling appreciates the easy access of PLM on the cloud for people working anytime, anywhere. “Secure clo...
Teamcenter X bundles best practices into simplified, cloud-ready solutions to get you up and running quickly. Grows with you Easily scale your users, solutions and global footprint, Teamcenter X is ready to grow with your business. Secure cloud platform Leverage ...
Teamcenter X bundles best practices into simplified, cloud-ready solutions to get you up and running quickly. Grows with you Easily scale your users, solutions and global footprint, Teamcenter X is ready to grow with your business. Secure cloud platform Leverage secure AWS infrastructure with glo...
战略伙伴关系:与 Transforma Insights 和 Forrester 等行业领导者合作,展示了我们对提供前沿解决方案的承诺。 高效数字化:通过 Teamcenter X实现端到端数字化,减少碎片化并增强灵活性,借助 30 天免费试用,让您亲身体验。
Siemens Teamcenter X PLM 采用订阅或 SaaS 模式,安全地托管于云端。因此,无论团队位于何处或者采用何种设备,所有团队成员都可以实时协同。我们将其称之为“随开即用”。 Teamcenter X 提供的工具能够满足您当前和未来的创新和业务目标。从 PDM 基础开始扩展到 PLM。
先借用官方的一句话来解释Teamcenter X :Teamcenter X is Teamcenter and more.Teamcenter X 是西门子新推出的软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案,尽管西门子并非最快地进行基于云的SaaS业务转移的公司,但随着去年Siemens PLM Sostware更名西门子数字化工业软件之后,西门子加快了数字化的步伐,其众多的工业软件工具集已经长期使用支...