Driver:TaylorMade SIM (8 degrees; Mitsubishi Diamana D+ Limited 60 TX 3-Wood:TaylorMade SIM Rocket 3 (14 degrees; Mitsubishi Diamana D+ Limited 80 TX) 5-Wood:TaylorMade Stealth 2 (18 degrees; Mitsubishi Diamana D+ Limited 80 TX) Irons:TaylorMade P770 (4), P7MC (5-6), P7CM (7-P...
Power Team Hydraulic 2 Valve Manifold 9642 SKU: PT9642 $74443 Free Shipping at $99+! In-Stock SKU: PT9798 $5040 Power Team SPX couplers are designed to provide reliable and secure hydraulic connections for a wide range of applications. Manufactured by Power Team, a trusted brand in hydraulic...
Associated’s team drivers were famous for fabricating their own parts. Many made it into new cars but some never saw the light of day. The granddaddy of Associated “factory works” cars is the mysterious Stealth car that was raced by Masami Hirosaka on his way to back to back IFMAR Wor... Comment can't play the video Username:@andy-kl Screenshots Screenshot 1 Screenshot 1 with AdGuard disabled System configuration This rule:...
Taylor Made is coming to our club Saturday and I scheduled a fitting, want to compare my Cobra with the new Stealth. In addition, they're bringing their truck down and will make the club to my own specifications. Also tried the XXIO and got abut 15 yards longer (my swing speed can ...