Team Umizoomi: Created by Soo Kim, Michael Smith, Jennifer Twomey. With Donovan Patton, P.T. Walkley, Ethan Kempner, Madeleine Yen. Pint-sized cartoon superheroes encourage children to use early math concepts to save the day.
卡通ABC今天要给大家推荐的英文动画为《数学城小兄妹》,英文名为《Team Umizoomi》。超级迷你小英雄Milli和Geo是一对小兄妹。他们和自己的机器人小跟班Bot,以及电视机前正在收看节目的小观众,共同组成了一个小团队。这个小团队专门解决城市Umi City里各种各样的难题,而每个难题都是和数学有关的。Milli和Geo带领着小...
视频选集 (19)数数城小兄妹 Team Umizoomi 第2季 Race Around Umi City Chicks in the City The Ghost Family Costume Party Purple Monkey Mission The Great UmiCar Rescue Day at the Museum Super Soap! Counting Comet Crazy Skates Milli Saves The Day Umi Fire Truck Ellee The Elephant Umi Egg Hunt...
视频选集 (20)数数城小兄妹 Team Umizoomi 第1季 The Kite Festival The Aquarium Fix-It Carnival Picnic Super Trip to the Supermarket Subway Heroes The Milk Out The Dinosaur Museum Mishap The Rolling Toy Parade Ice Cream Truck The Wild West Toy Train Show The Butterfly Dance Show The Elephant ...
视频选集 (19)数数城小兄妹 Team Umizoomi 第4季 The Boy with the Dragon Skateboard City of Lost Penguins UmiCars Birthday Present Robo Tools The Sunshine Fairy Little Panda Joe Stolen Lunches Meatball Madness Umi Grand Prix Gloopy Fly Home Movie Madness Umi Ninjas UmiCops Umi Knights Lost Fairy...
卡通ABC今天要给大家推荐的英文动画为《数学城小兄妹》,英文名为《Team Umizoomi》。超级迷你小英雄Milli和Geo是一对小兄妹。他们和自己的机器人小跟班Bot,以及电视机前正在收看节目的小观众,共同组成了一个小团队。这个小团队专门解决城市Umi City里各种各样的难题,而每个难题都是和数学有关的。Milli和Geo带领着小...
Free Fan App provides a large collection of information, his official website, his detailed information collected online, his facebook, twitter and youtube account videos and will be regularly updated with new episodes.Watch Team Umizoomi (Full Episodes) is a FREE App for your kids!Download this...
Classical umizoomi videos game's style! Smooth Controler New Team umizoomi episodes video game mini vivid image, nice effects! User-friendly intece! Creative and exciting entertainment and suitable for all ages! Many levels and you can play geo umizoomi animated cartoon online or offline! Watch t...
Classical umizoomi videos game's style! Smooth Controler New Team umizoomi episodes video game mini vivid image, nice effects! User-friendly intece! Creative and exciting entertainment and suitable for all ages! Many levels and you can play geo umizoomi animated cartoon online or offline! Watch t...
More than Levels team umizoomi toys classic mini! New Team umizoomi episodes video game mini vivid image, nice effects! User-friendly intece! Creative and exciting entertainment and suitable for all ages! Many levels and you can play geo umizoomi animated cartoon online or offline! Watch team um...