这种员工同时参与多个团队的现象, 被称为“多团队成员身份” (multiple team membership, 下文简称MTM)。 尽管MTM在实践中已十分普遍, 但遗憾的是, 这一现象在学术界尚未得到充分探索; 更进一步的, 无论是关注MTM对员工个人的影响抑或是对团队的作用, 当前的研究结论都未能达成一致。具体来说, MTM使员工接触到...
Await All Action Approval Model Await All Approval Model Background Operation Basic Approval Model Data Basic Form Basic Form Metadata bot_botcomponent bot_botcomponentcollection bot_environmentvariabledefinition botcomponent_aipluginoperation botcomponent_botcomponent botcomponent_connectionreference botcomponent...
Returns all teams that the authenticated user is a member of.Action FormsReturns all the forms for a given team.Action FormReturns details for a specific form.Action FilesReturns metadata for all files/attachments associated with a form response. Users can use the id from the response with the...
Represents a member on a predefined case team, which is a group of users that helps resolve cases.
Create Stage Create Stage: Talent Assessments Create Stage: Tech Leads Create:Code Creation Group Create:Code Review Group Create:Editor Extensions Group Create:Remote Development Group Create:Source Code teams Create:Source Code BE Team Create:Source Code FE Team Engineering Managers Eng...
Microsoft Copilot, an AI assistant, can summarize Microsoft Teams meetings, create action items and highlight communication gaps that need to be addressed. Continue Reading By Andrew Froehlich, West Gate Networks Answer 01 May 2024 How to enable a Teams-contact center integration Explore the ...
PjToolbarAction PjUnit PjValueListItem PjVerticalAlignment PjViewScreen PjViewType PjVisualReportsCubeType PjVisualReportsDataLevel PjVisualReportsTab PjVisualReportsTemplateType PjWBSSequence PjWeekday PjWeekLabel PjWindowState PjWorkContourType PjWorkgroupMessages PjYesNoAutomatic PredecessorDrivers Profile...
ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeam ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeam Action ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeamRequest Create POST [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/teams作成を参照 CreateRequest または Create Delete DELETE [org URI]/api/data/v9.0/teams(teamid)削除を参照 DeleteRequest または Delete RemoveMembersTeam RemoveMemb...