The Medic, also known as the Combat Medic, is a playable class in Team Fortress Classic. While being the primary healing force, his speed and offensive abilities make him a proficient killer. To aid in survivability, the Medic passively recovers health over time. ...
< Medic (Classic)Jump to: navigation, search 医生(经典) 基础信息 生命值: 90 /135 装甲: 100 装甲类型: 中型 移动速度: 107% “ 抱歉,这里需要医疗援助! 点击试听 (英语) — 受伤的队友 ”医生,又可叫做医疗兵,是军团要塞:经典中的可操纵职业。虽然作为医疗的主力,但他的移速和能力让他一样...
出生地;德国 工作;协助杀人的医生 主武器/近战武器/副武器 主武器;6 副武器;4 近战武器;16 感谢大家的观看 制作;光圈蛋糕 TFWlKl官方网址;
太多医生了 #TF2 #军团要塞2 #teamfortress2 medic gamming @天剑归来· 2024年12月7日天剑归来 00:59 143 阴程师 #tf2角色 #TF2 #军团要塞2 #teamfortress2 开始制作妖魔要塞角色 @天剑归来· 2024年12月20日天剑归来 05:20 247 拜见惊人的医生 #TF2 #军团要塞2 #teamfortress2 老视频了 @天剑归来·...
Team Fortress 2 Update Released December 17, 2024 - TF2 Team An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Updated the Dapper Noel to fix an issue with the mesh ...
爱给网提供海量的游戏模型库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为max 格式的medic 军医 Team Fortress 2 军团要塞2, 本站编号10180528, 该游戏模型库素材大小为40m, 该素材已被下载:3次, 更多精彩游戏模型库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 PC军团要塞军团要塞2主机卡通掌机欧美射击游戏战争 感兴趣。
This update will also mark the beginning of the most significant change we'll be making to Team Fortress 2 over the next year. Beginning first with the medic, players will be able to earn three unique items by earning some or all of the new Medic achievements coming in this update. These...
来自《军团要塞2》的医疗随从(Medic Follower from Team Fortress 2) mod | 上古卷轴5天际 这个mod是一个支持性治疗者角色,他丧失了医疗执照,现在他在你身上行医!他可以在Riverwood的入口处找到。 使用方法: 1. 下载并安装这个mod。 2. 进入游戏,前往Riverwood的入口处。
军团要塞 Team Fortress Classic豆瓣评分:7.7 简介:One of the most popular online action games of all time, Team Fortress Classic features over nine character classes -- from Medic to Spy to Demolition Man -- enlisted in a unique style of online team