谢谢! -默认键: Z → 2 "Thanks!" 谢了! "Thanks! 谢谢! 获得一个击杀或助攻后: "Thanks, soldier." 多谢,士兵! 冲,冲,冲! -默认键: Z → 3 "Go go go! Charge!" 上上上!冲锋! "Move out!" 动起来! "Let's go!" 我们走!
控制台常用指令列表< List of useful console commandsJump to: navigation, search 游戏中的主控台画面以下是一些控制台的一些常用指令,你可以利用开发者控制台来调整游戏和图形的设定。在选项中的进阶选项可以启用主控台。所有 autoexec.cfg 里的指令都会在游戏启动后自动执行。
Team Fortress 2 Update Released December 19, 2024 - TF2 Team An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Updated the Brain Cane to fix problems with the texture and phong value ...
Location of Origin: Midwest, USA Role: Offense Though he wanted desperately to fight in World War 2, the Soldier was rejected from every branch of the U.S. military. Undaunted, he bought his own ticket to Europe. After arriving and finally locating Poland, the Soldier taught himself how to...
Soldier 据WiKi的描述,Soldier是一个疯狂的爱国主义者【也是疯子】经常上战场的时候也会表现出他疯狂的一面,被V社官方作为做活跃的角色,他有让人引人注目的火箭跳 WiKi上没有他的真实姓名,被别人称为【无名氏先生】 据简述,士兵曾经参与二战是他的梦想,可因为所有部队把他拒之门外【不得不说还很惨】最后前往...
六图网提供精美好看的视频音效素材模板下载,本次视频音效作品主题是Team Fortress 2 军团要塞2 soldier 士兵,编号是3756284,格式是max,该Team Fortress 2 军团要塞2 soldier 士兵素材大小是4.68 MB。Team Fortress 2 军团要塞2 soldier 士兵是由视频音效设计师㏑▔脑崩
Steam | Team Fortress 2 | TF2 61,903个粉丝 vk.com/tf2_steam_game DELETED СОЛДАТОЛЁТ! Yangirov Marat My roflcopter does does shshdshshsh Selyutin Daniil Creedence Clearwater Revival Fortunate son 2:10 Dedov Tima Dedov Tima回复了Tima ...
Play as the flame-throwing Pyro, the room-clearing Heavy, or the Spy, a master of stealth and disguises. Other classes include: Scout, Sniper, Medic, Engineer, Demoman, and Soldier. Since June 2011,Team Fortress 2is now available for free, separated fromThe Orange Box. ...
"Face the wall," the soldier commands, and I wonder if the few minutes I spent on this server are about to come to a depressing end. "What were you doing?" "N-nothing, sir," I say. "I thought I dropped something." Without another question, the Combine places a zip tie around my...
Team Fortress 2 has it all – and less. In the past, it was available as a package deal as a part of The Orange Box, a collection that featured Half-Life 2 Episode One and Portal. You can now get your hands on Team Fortress 2 without any extra games attached. All games can be ...