Heavy 据WiKi的描述,Heavy来自于俄罗斯 苏联而来【不得不说WiKi上对Heavy的描述很多的】 在佣兵内是【大块头】的所在,在游戏内Heavy的血量为300,是游戏中血很厚的兵种,但在游戏中他能抗住子弹攻击但敌不过间谍和狙击手的爆头和背刺,为了能解决问题他需要医生和工程师的帮助,因为血最厚,所以只能挡下子弹攻击,步哨...
重裝兵 他從一個高大、笨拙的大個子成為人人歡呼的蘇聯英雄,就如兵種名稱所暗示的,他是在《絕地要塞2》裡面最重,身軀最龐大的兵種。重裝兵(Heavy)擁有最大的力量、最大的槍、及最慢的腳程,但他的火力令人印象深刻。他可以在幾秒鐘內迅速殺了反對他的懦夫及矮小的人。然而他機槍的轉速和火力使他帶著龜速前進,...
An image of the Heavy makes a cameo as the King of Diamonds in the "Team Fortress 2", "Poker Night" and "Poker Night Alternative" decks, respectively, as well as the King of Hearts in the "Team Fortress 2" deck. The Heavy makes an appearance in Worms: Reloaded as part of one of...
Role: Defense Like a hibernating bear, the Heavy appears to be a gentle giant. Also like a bear, confusing his deliberate, sleepy demeanor with gentleness will get you ripped limb from limb. Though he speaks simply and moves with an economy of energy that's often confused with napping, the...
Class Struggle:Work with a friendly Medic to kill an enemy Heavy & Medic pair. Soviet Block:While invulnerable and on defense, block an invulnerable enemy Heavy's movement. Stalin the Kart:Block the enemy from moving the payload cart 25 times. ...
Team Fortress 2 军团要塞2 heavy 强盗 恶棍 反对派 资源编号 :10021921 格式:max 文件体积 :25m 下载量 :13 云检查 3dsMax截图 云检查详情 3dsMax工具内截图透视图 默认明暗处理 云检查收起 方式:3dsMax工具内截图 环境:3dsMax 2022, windows10 参数:透视图 高质量 默认明暗处理 ...
hi this is my first ever model it is free some of my work is not sadly but the first 3 of my models ever day is free after the 3 models for free is done i start selling my models but the models im selling is worth it! trust me but here is the tf2 art mod
Heavy (Team Fortress 2) Endorsements 5 Unique DLs 147 Total DLs 153 Total views 1,680 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 8 items Last updated 02 January 20248:15PM Original upload 02 January 20248:15PM Created by Goof Uploaded by Goof14 Virus scan...
Heavy Weapons Guy (Team Fortress 2) Endorsements 13 Unique DLs 1,508 Total DLs 1,829 Total views 13,908 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 8 items Last updated 17 January 20257:10AM Original upload 12 January 20252:48PM Created by DHedge
军团要塞2 2007年Valve开发的游戏《军团要塞2》(Team Fortress 2),简称TF2,是一款团队作战型在线多人FPS游戏,由维尔福软件公司开发,发行公司为ValveSoftware,于2007年10月10日在PC、Windows和Xbox 360平台上发行。游戏的核心内容是红、蓝两队的对抗。游戏中共有九种外貌和能力迥异的职业,每种职业都拥有其自己的优...