change behaviors, or transform culture, we need each other. We need peers to share with, mentors to challenge us, and managers to support our growth. Learning is more powerful when it happens in community, with accountability, encouragement, and the kind of...
By organizing interactive and fun games over video conferencing, everyone comes together and successfully combats loneliness. The event leaves you with something to chat about and also relive. Improve productivity Members of remote teams do not usually have a very clear work direction. This can resul...
While icebreaking works wonders for new staff, sometimes they do need a little encouragement to step out of their shell. Creating a “fast facts” activity might help to alleviate some of this pressure. Ask your teams to just briefly think about the most interesting or surprising fact about t...
He is addressing this letter to those who have been called, and who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ. So he is addressing this letter to Christians. God has called every true believer. You can get more information here. A Word of Encouragement from Paul Run the ...
● Nikno was one of the first people (along with Faghetti) to say "hello" to me on my first visit to IRC, and while it was apparent that he was nice, I didn't speak to him much. Even so, Nikno has been surprisingly quick and helpful, leaving encouragement on people's talk pages...