《商务英语综合教程》课件Unit 8 Team building.ppt,You are directors of BES. Work in groups of four. Choose a role card (see pages 146,149,150,151). Director 1 leads the meetings. 1. Read your role cards and prepare for a meeting to resolve your companys t
实用商务英语综合教程(中级)Unit2 Team Building.ppt,Fast reading and Case Study I. Teaching objectives: The Ss are expected to learn: 1. how to keep good relationship with partners; 2. the reading skills to find out the general idea and specific informat
Keep their manager constructively updated on their work group’s activities. Clarify priorities for a new assignment. Start working with a new boss. Set up a mechanism for heading off future conflict with their manager. 2015-6-23 25 BUILDING A CONSTRUCTIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR MANAGER Key ...
12、me as the others.Every player should care about the others.BusinessEvery employee must know the basics of their job and be trained to perform well.There should be discipline in the company so everyone knows how to behave.There should be team spirit, fostered by events, activities, schemes...
In order to encourage team spirit, your manager asks you to think of ideas for team- building activities. You are going to discuss the details with your manager. You and your partner are going to take the roles of the secretary and the manager in turn to make a conversation. Practical ...
1 •BuildingTeams 2021/4/4 2 O2.uUntcdeormstaendshaowndtobausildsweinsnsinmgteeanmts(c理r解it如er何ia建设成功团队)••identifythemixofknowledge,skillsandexperience necessaryforateamtofulfillitsfunctions(识别团队完成任务所必须的知识、技能和经验。)••analyzedynamicswithinteamsandstimulateand...
We regularly organize team-building activities, social events, and community service projects to help our dedicated team members bond and connect with each other. Opportunities for professional development Our professional development programs consist of: Individual development plans Individual development plan...
6积极性与团队Motivation & Team Building toSupervisorySkillBuildersMotivation&TeamBuilding欢迎参加主管人员技能培训之调动积极性和培养团队观念 1 TrainingObjective培训目的 Afterthismodule,youshouldbeableto:本章培训结束之后你将能够:1.Understandwhatmotivationisandhowitbenefitsyou,youremployees,andyourproperty.懂得何为...
•Problem-SolvingTeams:Groupof5-12employeesfromthesamedepartmentwhomeetforafewhourseachweektodiscusswaysofimprovingquality,efficiency,&the worksetting(P-solving).QualityCircles(TotalQP)--- Qcontrol,Creduction,Pplanning,Pdesign •Self-managementteams:Groupof10-15peopletakingonresponsibilitiesoftheirformer...
working lunches for employees during the year to promoteteam spiritandloyalty and share information between departments. kdc.com.hk kdc.com.hk 本集團年內曾為員工舉辦年度晚宴、聖誕聚會、外遊及工作午餐聚會,以提升團隊精神及 忠誠度,並鼓勵部門間分享資訊。