RC8T4 manual RC8T4e manual ] 5/17/2023 Two RTRs added to our eBay store! Just a reminder: Refurbished and discontinued items are on our eBay store, not on this site. Team Associated Clearance 5/12/2023 I posted the RC10T6.4 and RC10SC6.4 vehicles to the Team Associated Vehicle ...
The RC10TC6.1 Factory Team kit is the next evolutionary step in touring car design from Team Associated. Building on the successfully proven TC6, the designers behind the doors of Area 51 added even more features, making the TC6.1 easier to tune and drive. The TC6.1 narrow chassis has been...
Team Associated is proud to release its next generation of 1:10 scale 4WD electric touring car, the RC10TC7 FT, our most refined kit to date! The touring car racing class has matured to a competition level higher than ever before, and the engineers behind the doors of Area 51 have been...
Team Associated has taken all of the refinements from the RC8.2 and have applied them to our electric-power platform-creating the RC8.2e Factory Team Kit! The RC8.2e has already been proven as a winner after TQing and winning the 2011 Sidewinder Nitro Explosion in the capable hands of Ryan...