Teaching Writing to Students with Diverse Writing BackgroundAgrey, ShelleyCatalyst
If we were to do so, what would we be teaching? Is there a model for professional writing in the US? If so, is it one that can express "new thinking" for people from the Third World, or does it reinforce dependency and silence? What difficulties do students from Third World cultures...
Classroom blog enabled the students to: (1) have a fun learning environment; (2) write easily; (3) get feedbacks from teacher and peers; (4) discuss more with friends and teacher outside classroom easily; (5) access more reference for students' writing; (6) get more motivation to write...
The article focuses on the use of the self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) educational model, which teaches students the planning, goal setting, and self evaluation skill necessary to writing success. The article outlines the six stages of the SRSD model, including the development of backgrou...
Teaching Writing to Adult Literacy Students from Harlem and the Bronx doi:10.35847/DPugh.3.3.35Adult Literacy Education: The International Journal of Literacy, Language & NumeracyPugh, David
Teaching writing to beginning ELL students requires a specific set of knowledge and skills. Learn how to teach beginning ELL writing with...
摘要: Focuses on writing instruction for children from low-income families. Skill-based perspective; Whole language perspective; Sociocognitive perspective; Sociocognitive framework for the teaching of writing; Indications of the regression analysis.关键词:...
1、Unit 12 Teaching Writing Unit 12 Teaching Writing What are the functions of writing?What are the problems in writing tasks?What is a process approach to writing?How to motivate students to write?How to design writing tasks?How to organize self-editing and peer editing?Different functions of...
Many graduate students face thesis or dissertation writing under-prepared. To help some of them with the task, the author developed a seminar called Social-Science Writing. This article describes that seminar: its organisation, themes, in-class and take-home writing assignments, readings, and stude...
A terrible silence ruled the room, and seeing no other opinions, I inspected the students to pull out their notebooks and write a brief essay related to the theme of deep disappointment. The author took the job to teach writing because . A. he wanted to be respected B. he had written ...