Inspiring Shakers and Movers: Teaching Activity Advocacy to Middle Schoolers!Teresa Fitts
Middle schoolers are used to the world of elementary school, with recess and snack time and teachers who mistakenly get called “mom” because they're safe and gentle. Middle school is the transition from childhood to the young adult years and preparation for the pressures of high ...
I already share the video with my middle school students as part of a book club unit on identity, but in scaffolding their reading there are a few activities that help make reading more accessible to the diverse readers in my classroom. Providing the text in print, digital, audio, and ...
Note: Ask children to sit on the floor in the middle of the classroom and ask them to cover their eyes with their hands (and warn them not to peek!). Take an item, such as a plastic apple or pencil (or anything else), and hide it somewhere in the classroom. If you hid a red ...
give students printable shapes of ornaments. Hold discussions about ELA terms. I have found that middle schoolers have brains like junk drawers when it comes to ELA concepts. Nothing is organized or categorized. If you ask, Give me an example of figurative language,” someone may shout out, ...
The game creation tool is then applied for creating an educational game according to a specific scenario namely teaching schoolers road safety. Helping children and young people to stay safe is crucial, and preventing serious injury on the roads is an important part of that goal. Road safety ...
22.5-step model is more familiar to the middle school teachers: revision, presentation, dril l, practice and consolidation. 23.Classroom management is the way teachers or ganize what goes on in the classroom. 24.An instructor passes on knowledge by variet y of means.An organizer organizes the...
7 Reasons Your Middle Schoolers Stink at Writing (and what to do about it) How to Memorize Anything Without Even Trying Why Your Students Should Be At the Board (and how to do it right) The Best Way to Teach Students to Add Integers (Guaranteed!) 6 Ways to Help Your Students Mas...
However, our English teaching does not seem to follow this trend well, especially in middle schools. Under the pressure of the College Entrance Examination, middle school English teachers still take the old English teaching method---Grammar Translation Method, which only pays attention to the gramma...
paper-based reading: Comparing the effects of different mediums on middle school students’ reading comprehension. System, 97, 102434. Article Google Scholar Lin, H., & Chen, T. (2007). Reading authentic EFL text using visualization and advance ...