Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever Based on the view that the benefits of reading aloud are not widely recognized or sufficiently promoted, this book explains why reading aloud to young chil... M Fox - Harcourt, Inc., 525 B Street, Suite 1900...
One of the most effective and influential Christian teachers of this century reveals how all teachers -- from parents to Sunday school leaders, from pastors to professors -- can make the most of their priceless opportunity to inspire, to instruct, and to permanently impact lives for the king...
I thought that too, but I’ve been showing my daughter and bit and she seems to grok it; I think that not having to worry overmuch about data types and preciseness will help them learn concepts without stressing. Hey! My first language was BASIC, when I was 11. And then I didn’t ...
《预订 Pointing at the Moon: Teaching Martial Arts to Change Lives [ISBN:9780692240151]》,作者:预订 Pointing at the Moon: Teaching Martial Arts to Change Lives [ISBN:9780692240151]Dunnigan 著,出版社:Global Thinking Inc,ISBN:9780692240151。
My characters don’t always have the words or the skills to handle the world around them. But that is not their fault. The world, it can be what’s wrong, what needs to change, too. # Let’s turn to my new book filled with messy teens,A Constellation of Minor Bears, out from Ha...
“Two and two make four and cannot by any possibility that the universe affords be made to make five or three. From this point of view, of immutable law, children should approach Mathematics; they should see how impressive is Euclid’s ‘Which is absurd,’ just as absurd as would be the...
Students from diverse backgrounds do not have to be confined to pigeon-holed categories of monsters. They can examine the role that monsters have played in their own lives and histories, or learn about other cultures and peoples through the very nature of the monsters they create. A key part...
PART ONE TEACHING AND PRACTICE I Yasutani-roshi's Introductory Lectures on Zen Training Editor's Introduction Westerners eager to practice Zen yet lacking access to a qualified master have always faced an imposing handicap: the dearth of written information on what zazen is and how to begin and...
yet another lesson in life: a true education is above all moral in character, teaching us not only how to know and what to do, but how tobe, and one of the most powerful ways of learning that is simply to be in the company of people who carry such values in their lives and ...